Edgend will officially support Evergrey on European tour 2010


New Metal Member
Mar 25, 2010

We are happy to announce that we will be the officially support act for the next Evergrey's European tour 2010 along with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Italy).
we shall join the tour on the 17th of May till the 3rd of June.
for more details, please go to our myspace page:

from http://www.evergrey.net/

EVERGREY tour bus robbed; 35.000€ worth of gear missing

Heavy metal rockers EVERGREY were forced to cancel all gigs in Spain and Portugal after their tour bus was burgled. Evergrey suffered a loss of equipment and merchandise of over 35,000 Euros according to the band’s website.

The band plans to stop in Lyon and use the equipment of the local support, and hopes to acquire enough new equipment to play the scheduled Holland shows but “this is still uncertain,” the website states.

The band will post updates, a list of stolen items, and the police report on their website.

“To our Spanish and Portuguese fans, we are extremely sorry but we have no chance of making it with everything being stolen.”

Affected dates:
5/26 - Laudio Metal – Llodio, Spain
5/27 - Coliseum (El Túnel) - A Coruña, Spain
5/28 - Side B – Benavente, Portugal
5/29 - Ginetarock 2010 – Albacete, Spain
5/30 - Rock Kitchen – Madrid, Spain
5/31 - Salamandra - Barcelona, Spain

AS promised here is the police report from ROME.

Just to clarify once again… NOT all of our stuff have been stolen BUT quite a significant amount as you can see on the report. The list of the stolen property is listed on this police report and if you see this property on sale somewhere please contact us. See the police report here: Part 1, Part 2.

This is of course devastating for us, maybe more than you can ever imagine. To make an Evergrey show we need certain specific things and our crew, this is not too hard to understand.

It’s never a choice for us to cancel… we always TRY our best to make the shows happen. We spent 3 days in a bus from LYON to Sweden having to pay ALL the money that we had for the trip home. We have been home for a couple of hours now and are REALLY trying to make the best out of the situation. We are now aiming to rent a van to go BACK the same way we came from to make the DUTCH shows since it is “only” 15 hours travel to get there. To buy flights for 8 people for Spain and Portugal shows is simply not realistic since it costs too much. Then we would have to ADD travel, renting cars AND hotels too that amount. Once again simply impossible. We already lost so much money it is beyond comprehension.

We would really like to play the shows and would love to have the chance to re-schedule. It’s really better for ALL involved that we come to your countries and perform in the way that makes Evergrey justice but under these circumstances it is impossible.

To add to this there are MORE things that will prove that the organisation of this tour was extremely lacking. This includes the tourbus not being paid for (by the booking agency) which made us have to pay 4500 Euros just to get home from Lyon. This money we had to borrow to even be able to get home. Our lawyers are handling THIS situation right now and therefore we are not able to speak about it as of yet.

There will surely be more information about this as soon as possible.

We really hope for your understanding as this situation is hard as it is.
The band