Hail Edguy!
Just when the memory of the awesome Australian Edguy tour showed signs of fading along comes Evil Nat galloping on her metal-clad stead bringing forth the parchment on which tale of the legends has been transcribed by a mysterious order of monks! *bugle revelry*
Actually, this sounds more like an appropriate
introduction for a Rhapsody review, but the chances of that happening anytime soon are slim to none, so I'm not going to let it go to waste!
My review of the tour is finally finished and
available. Be warned, it's a lengthy 4500 words, so if you're like me and rather look at pictures, fear not! There are heaps of photos, too.
I'm sure everyone has different memories of the tour and different interpretations of what happened. I just hope I have managed to capture the essence of Edguy as most people remember it.
I hope you enjoy it.
Evil Nat
Just when the memory of the awesome Australian Edguy tour showed signs of fading along comes Evil Nat galloping on her metal-clad stead bringing forth the parchment on which tale of the legends has been transcribed by a mysterious order of monks! *bugle revelry*
Actually, this sounds more like an appropriate
introduction for a Rhapsody review, but the chances of that happening anytime soon are slim to none, so I'm not going to let it go to waste!

My review of the tour is finally finished and
available. Be warned, it's a lengthy 4500 words, so if you're like me and rather look at pictures, fear not! There are heaps of photos, too.
I'm sure everyone has different memories of the tour and different interpretations of what happened. I just hope I have managed to capture the essence of Edguy as most people remember it.
I hope you enjoy it.
Evil Nat