Edifying A. Paperbacks


Sep 12, 2002
i'm sorry, i know this is old shit, and i've ignored it for a few years, but i'm in the process of deleting a bunch of extraneous emails from someone's cloggggged boxxx, and some fabulous spam names are to be found and i can't avoid it anymore:

- Sheikh D. Murder (this is for an "armed forces bank service" member scam

- Neighborly I. Disentangling (cheap software)

- Beavered C. Cheats

is there any spam tell-alls/exposures i should read? what is going on here??
Ligatured C. Lucian ("The Ultimate Pharmacy")

Boroughs E. Ranches (just a link to a website, titled "U")

Dresden V. Retributive (microsoft rep)

Pedagogics P. Steamboat (also representing the Ultimate Pharmacy)

Passed L. Walloped, et al
I kept a log of those things for the time when I got them...sadly I seem to have fallen off their mailing list, I haven't gotten anything with hilarious names in months. I'll write a novel or something someday with all the characters named after these.

Femurs K. Hairline
Stimulants G. Foxhound
Firetrap R. Sphinxes
Otis M. Whackier
Benevolence S. Alms
Elvis H. Fraction
Lumbered H. Morality
Pedometers Q. Meeter
Irregularity T. Respondent
Breathing O. Shovel
Prom H. Route
Debarred L. Stops
Knox T. Opulence
Coma I. Aggregated
Chuvash F. Botanist
Sealers O. Traceable
Wale K. Monetarism
Dismembering M. Womanizers
Murmured S. Markab
Deductions U. Daftest
Pelt E. Finland
Adapter G. Catwalks
Harrington Q. Curve
Total V. Mulishly
Counteracted L. Humoring
Loading F. Tenability
Josh O. Illegally
Gusto U. Ridicules
Novel G. Optimum
Bonus C. Workhouses
Rasalhague M. Takeaways
Dicky K. Impression
Hammock V. Patti
Emerald R. Eightieths
Slapstick F. Faye
Pacifier F. Shape
Harbin H. Testicle
Mummify P. Groundbreakings
Whacks V. Haydn
Lakisha L. Breakfast
Aridity O. Grass
Jenner C. Ethiopian
Sunless D. Blockaded
Attach S. Launch
Earl U. Universality
Andersen R. Disloyalty
Jasper P. Podunk
Harm G. Tatty
Metabolizing P. Powders
Seizure C. Depravity
Rudy Piper - don't be an asshole Janet
Halberds G. Ached
Abattoir A. Superstar
Sideswipe H. Plows
Disturbance U. Peaches
Patrolmen E. Impunity
Enamors U. Winesap
Amber B. Graveyard
Dogmatism U. Lana
War K. Dubai
Thing R. Polio
Lesotho A. Hansel
Lifeguard M. Tense
Absolve C. Madame
Supervise K. Dispensation
Oct J. Heresy
Henchman G. Quonset
Allied H. Watchman
Deposited H. Winger
Polo A. Perming
Revitalization S. Preachers
Tearjerkers D. Jukebox
Hallucinates G. Overflow
Cactus Q. Spearing
Bodyguard L. Bouncer
Queerly R. Rwanda
Shift H. Blond
Yachtsmen V. Interface
Exportation V. Outclass
Devour A. Washout
Renegading D. Carmelo
Identifies M. Fancying
Loraine A. Regalia
Belligerence I. Terminable
Divisive S. Thinking
Furniture O. Overpay
Fictionalizes U. Rooming
Necrosis B. Burdens
Drum K. Acknowledging
Convicts H. Athena
Maine A. Extincted
Syria G. Edam
Inveighed L. Locket
Gains K. Astigmatism
Inefficients J. Cornrow
Mason D. Trophy
Carmichael H. Forerunner
Capri E. Team
Destruct P. Fissure
Knob D. Neatest
Hypnotizes H. Julio
Anesthetist G. Testimonial
Scalawag U. Breaks
Sinner P. Mazarin
Urinates H. Acessory
Unstrung J. Swagged
Pinwheel V. Authentically
Gate L. Joyriding
Maharashtra H. Sludge
Comforted O. Eyesore
Barrett F. Disbelieved
Squaw D. Charted
Feasible F. Worthlessness
Bellhop P. Gratifies
Disaffect B. Recovery
Bookmobiles B. Slugs
Yearling P. Dynamics
Eavesdrop P. Sunscreen
Observes A. Rind
Plays J. Block
Yodeling H. Ceaselessly
Exertion H. Redemption
Voyage H. Polaris
Lionel G. Luminescence
Payruses V. Dogmatically
Caroused U. Mooing
Growth H. Swordplay
Unreasonableness D. Processioned
Dissembling D. Wollstonecraft
Tyson D. Intimidation
Dunks H. Sassier
Curvaceous L. Mound
Commons M. Coffeecakes
Termed U. Postman
Shoemakers R. Truism
Metabolized F. Forestalling
Piece F. Misery
Ambassadorships J. Keewatin
Mutate E. Habitability
Ranks E. Colonists
Underworld H. Hardy
Gabbles V. Worsted
Rydberg F. Hoffman
Rambunctious B. Carrots
Zinnias I. Blurbbers
Debasing G. Unwisest
Bali F. Piquancy
Easier E. Populace
Fistful C. Airsickness
Sepulchering K. Kleenex
Shaman C. Lovelier
Ticonderoga E. Coolant
Linoleum H. Sportscasters
Laurel S. Dafter
Bullying J. Menagerie
Swastika E. Cathode
Deprivation U. Dissatisfaction
Thompson B. Robles
Besetting P. Tawney

Dismembering M. Womanizers and Yodeling H. Ceaselessly are two favorites :lol:
Slightly offtopic but I just got this:

SUBJECT: Hi, hit me, peculate
BODY: whatever I reach first. I'll apologize now. For example, Mr. Tender, if I
the highly vulnerable but steadfastly courageous Royal Tank Units."
His students, save Fletcher, shifted uneasily. They hadn't realized
re: your creedt

Gollum was dreadfully disappointed; but Bilbo asked another riddle as
quick as ever be could, so that Gollum had to get back into his boat and
No-legs lay on one-leg, two-legs sat near on three-legs, four-legs
got some.
It was not really the right time for this riddle, but Bilbo was in a
hurry. Gollum might have had some trouble guessing it, if he had asked
it at another time. As it was, talking of fish, no-legs was not so
very difficult, and after that the rest was easy. Fish on a little
table, man at table sitting on a stool, the cat has the bones-that of
course is the answer, and Gollum soon gave it. Then he thought the time
had come to ask something hard and horrible. This is what he said:
This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
even better, from today:

Anyone can hate. It costs to love

Good afternoon,


We can help! Our site: ochhorfando[dot]com ;) Don't forget to replace "[dot]" to "."

rumbled over the tiny cobbles of the paved road, and again one impression followed rapidly upon another. "Yes; what was the last thing I thought of so clearly?" she tried to recall it. "_'Tiutkin, coiffeur?'_--no, not that. Yes, of what Yashvin says, the struggle for existence and hatred is the one thing that holds men together. No, it's a useless journey you're making," she said, mentally addressing a party in a coach and four, evidently going for an excursion into the country. "And the dog you're taking with you will be no help to you. You can't get away from yourselves." Turning her eyes in the direction Pyotr had turned to look, she saw a factory hand almost dead drunk, with hanging head, being led away by a policeman. "Come, he's found a quicker way," she thought. "Count Vronsky and I did not find that happiness either, though we expected so much from it." And now for the first time Anna turned that glaring light
From the bottom of an email I received today pushing some hot stock advice:

Your name is mud. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day. Sour as a green apple. Timber! Red as a beet. Rain, rain go away; come again some other day. Shit happens. Wrinkled as a prune. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Read the tea leaves. Tossed around like a hot potato. You have to separate the chaff from the wheat. Save it for a rainy day. Rough as a cob. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily. The scythe ran into a stone. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Sweating blood. Weed 'um and reap. That's a whole new can of worms. There is always next year. Welcome to my garden.

Tossed around like a hot potato. What goes down usually comes up. You have to separate the chaff from the wheat. Slow as a snail. She's a mother hen. Sow dry and set wet. Watch and wait. Your ass is grass. Spring to mind. Tastes like chicken. Wrinkled as a prune. Turn over a new leaf. Shiver me timber. She's a nut.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Shit happens.