Eerie Von


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Any fans of this dude? The ex-Danzig, Samhain, and Misfit (he was their drummer for a whopping 2 days :dopey: ) makes low budget B-grade horror music, and while none of it is amazing, pretty much all of it is a buttload of fun. Sounds like zombie-Elvis with a shitty Casio keyboard, pretty rad.

Cinerarium Waltz

An Investment in Hate
meh, i just remember seeing his name in one of my big brothers danzig albums. that stuff was off limits for me at the time but i thought that guy's name was cool
I was a fan, until he got booted from danzig and then I heard one of his solo albums :puke: hahah it was so cheesy, but who knows I might not mind it so much these days.
what the fuck am i talking about? i sound like i was 6 years old in the late 80s as opposed to 14 haha what a dumbass
Chromatose said:

they ALL had great names....

but Chuck Biscuits takes the grand prize.
sure does. i remember my brother had a dazig documentary on tape and i watched it with him one time. chuck biscuits had a very very serious cereal collection.
Listen to them shitz!!! :mad:

I always thought he was a great rock bassist, very simple but effective. And yeah, his name is pretty harsh. :dopey:
Downloading now. Never heard his solo stuff, but I dig all of the Danzig projects.
I can't say I got into his solo stuff, though it was always great shit to play during Halloween. I think I dug his work most in Samhain.

Chuck Biscuits... that man will always be one of my favorite drummers.