Efficient way of salting your neighbours crops

General Dildo

Smeller of flowers
Jul 4, 2003
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Hello. I have a problem and i need some help.
My neighbour has stolen 3 cows from me. Including my favourite one "Mathilda". Motherfucker just tugged them along with his own cows like if i would not notice straight before my eyes. They are in his lands now wich is guarded by dogs so i cant get to them and take them back.

I have decided to attack his unguarded crop fields instead. I will salt the shit out of it so it will never grow again. Fucker will starve come winteryear and starvation.

Does anyone know how to build a salt-slinger?
I cant find good blueprints online. THey are either rubbish or incomplete.

It is urgent so please help.

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