EFXR- metal band from


New Metal Member
Mar 25, 2006
Efxr is a metal band from Australia that has a cult following getting bigger and bigger each week. The line up comprises of big mick cloney on vocals, that as an awesome stage presence, Kane Jeffreys on lead guitar that just shreds that fret board , big gagz on bass, that thrashes the 4-stringer and big ben moriarty on drums , that belts the shit out of the drums ,he's just a fuckin awesome drummer.

The lads are doing their first EP on the 29th of
April, 2006 and many fans just cant wait to get their hands on a copy.
Efxr has been playing major gigz at revolver upstairs , on chapel street and have gained heapz of fans from this.

To contact Efxr or to find out more bout this mad band check out; www.efxr.net or www.myspace.com/efxrnet
