ELUVEITIE pics are available

I am sitting here, comfortably, in my room at the La Quinta in Matteson quietly plugging away at the fine pics I took last night at Paganfest.

Let me tell you.. taking them is waaay more fun than searching, sorting, cropping, correcting, stamping and uploading them!!!

I was so impressed by Eluveitie's performance that I decided to borrow their homepage background for my PhoTune homepage. It is a mountain scenery backdrop.

I am only making photo galleries at this time. I will compose them into music slideshows in the future. You will find the Photo Galleries beneath my MP3 Playlist. I will throw on an Eluveitie MP3 track or two in my playlist for y'all after lunch.


For any of you that had issues regarding outdated Flash player installations on your computer with my PhoTune slideshows, do not fret... the Photo Gallery was created using the older Flash 8 plugin.

Enjoy and share your thoughts.

Holy smokes!!!!!!!!
I might have to change my opinion of ECHOES OF ETERNITY after seeing those pics of Francine!!!!!!!!!!!