Elvenking - Elvenlegions

if you are not happy with the direction of Elvenking I highly suggest checking out Dark Forest. Not ask folky as Elvenking is or was...but they have the touches and energy of Elvenking of old.

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I am also hopeful after hearing the Elvenking single. Doesn't sound too bad, will wait to hear some more before making a judgement.

Thanks for the DF links Bob, they sound really good!
I didn't think I'd say this about an Elvenking song after really not liking their most recent material at all - but I fucking dig the shit outta this new tune! Less emphasis on folk instruments maybe, but the melodies are there, and the chorus is catchy as hell! Maybe I'm excited about a new Elvenking again!
Also, I'm digging the Dark Forest too. The vocals were a bit iffy at first to me, but then again I guess so are Damnagoras' vocals upon the first listen of Heathenreel, which is an elite album to me.
Also, I'm digging the Dark Forest too. The vocals were a bit iffy at first to me, but then again I guess so are Damnagoras' vocals upon the first listen of Heathenreel, which is an elite album to me.

Exactly...most people get turned off from the Elvenking vocals right away but once they click they are amazing. The new singer of Dark Forest reminds me a lot of Damnagoras. I was lucky to see them live last month and that is where I really noticed it. I am holding off till I hear more of the new Elvenking before buying it. Didn't even get the last one. I hope this song isn't the only one like it on the album.
Great song, I love it. Sounds like a return to Heathenreel/Winter Wake style but with more power metal.

Edit: Since everyone seems to be commenting on their past two albums, I will as well. They both took me a while to get into (I think I ranted about Era on here back when it came out) but after many listens (more for Era) I "get" and really like both albums (RST might be my fave album by them).

I'm glad Damna's vocal style is going back towards the earlier music though; I wasn't a huge fan of the "hard rock" style vocals on Era. I thought it was a sign that his voice was deteriorating, but luckily, the new single proves otherwise.
I really found Era to be an improvement over Red Silent Tides, but Era was ultimately forgettable, while RST was just downright miserable. I'm hoping this new one is better, but I haven't had any time to actually listen yet.

Anyone else who picks up on the Nostalgia on this track gets mad props. Hit me in the face like a brick and I instantly loved it. So far, I am absolutely in LOVE with this CD.
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I never was able to get into Elvenking, but the new single grabbed my interest immediately and got me to check out the new album. I'm definitely loving this disc, I'll have to go back and revisit their older stuff now to see if it grabs me this time.
Hate to repeat myself, but this album is such a pleasant surprise. I was listening to it again tonight just absolutely loving it. As I mentioned, this is a huge deal because I had all but written them off after two lackluster albums. This gives me a sparkle of hope for some other bands (Turisas and Evergrey) that have gone down the same road for me, might get back on track.
The elves have done it again. I really like this album; it's definitely their most "folk metal" release since Wyrd. My only complaints are that Towards the Shores sounds more like a Blind Guardian ballad than an EK one and the limited edition bonus tracks are just interludes. My favorite tracks are Elvenlegions, Pagan Revolution, Twilight of Magic, Witches Gather, and King of the Elves.

It's hard to rank the new album among the others because I've only had it for a week, but this is how i'd rank them now:

Red Silent Tides
The Scythe
The Winter Wake
The Pagan Manifesto
Two Tragedy Poets