Elvenking - The Winters Wake


Jan 11, 2006
This is one of the best albums of the year so far. Probably ranks second on my list so far (Dark Empire 1st, Venturia 3rd). Its power metal with a strong folk presence, including a string quartet. This was my first exposure to them, other than a couple songs I had heard on their myspace site. I was really impressed. I'm not sure who to compare them to, as they really have their own sound. Listen now.
Cheiron said:
This is one of the best albums of the year so far. Probably ranks second on my list so far (Dark Empire 1st, Venturia 3rd). Its power metal with a strong folk presence, including a string quartet. This was my first exposure to them, other than a couple songs I had heard on their myspace site. I was really impressed. I'm not sure who to compare them to, as they really have their own sound. Listen now.

I made a blind buy on this at Impulse during Powerfest weekend(thanks to Kyle/Squarooticus). Definitely something different. I like it so far! Something about power chords with violins. :headbang:
Elvenking are one of my favorite bands. I got Heathenreel when it first came out as an impulse buy one day. From the first listen it grabbed me. Heathenreel is one of my favorite disc of all time. I was worried about "Wyrd" when it first came out due to a new singer but it was equally as good. There was a few filler tracks but still had some incredible songs on it. It felt like an eternity for the new one to come out. On first listen I wasnt impressed with "The Winter Wake". I was bummed because they always seem to have a really cool catchy long ass song at the end of each disc, bu this time they didnt. I was really looking forward to the return of Damnagoras singing for them again and some new songs finally. After I listened to it a few times it clicked finally. Now I cant turn the damn thing off. This is one of the best releases if 2006. Solid from start to finish. I was worried that they let me down with a bad disc, like Freedom Call did last year.

I cant recommend this disc enough. I think they even repressed the out of print "Heathenreel" a few months back too.
I didn't like the disk at first, but it's growing on me. I like it more than 'Wyrd,' but I still dont think it reaches the greatness of 'Heathenreel.' I can't really place my finger on it, but I guess it just doesnt seem as "magical" as Heathenreel was, if that makes any sense. It's a decent album, but I'm mildly disappointed with it.
I'm still not entirely sure what I think of the new Elvenking album... it sounds more like a continuation of the Wyrd style with Damnagoras on vocals than a return to form. Elvenking used to have to this over-indulgence in melodies attention-deficit disorder style songwriting where the melodies just constantly changed. There were so many layers and different parts to it; it was just an amazing listening experience.

While those days seem to be long gone, I still enjoy Elvenking and will continue to pick up their albums. I'm also glad Damnagoras is back in the band. I haven't gotten around to reviewing the latest Elvenking but I'd probably rank it at or slightly above Wyrd... while still dramatically below Heethenreal.

Here are my reviews...

The first Italian folk metal band (to my knowledge), Elvenking, exploded onto the metal scene with a fantastic EP entitled To Oak Woods Bestowed and debut album, Heathenreal (2001)… and have since fumbled into relative mediocrity with their most recent offering: Wyrd (2004). Seasoning their songs with an aggressive sense of melodic density, everything from flutes, fiddles, and acoustic guitars to orchestral keyboard effects and power metal style guitars and drums thunder their way into nearly every song with quick-tempo rickety beats and massive bridges and choruses. The ’04 album, Wyrd, is a relatively streamlined folk-centered in style, similar to Skyclad’s most recent albums. The vocals vary from folk style singing to black metal shrieks and death metal growls to female operatic guest talents. Lead vocalist and key songwriter Damnagoras left the band in ’02, replaced by Kleid. Both have a fun folky timbre that isn’t the band’s strongest suit. Guitarists Aydan and Jarpen now dominate most the writing. Recommended to fans of folk metal who look for big melodies and don’t mind a wall of sound that tumbles in all directions.

Heathenreel (2001)
Score: A+
/ 97
Heed my warning; this album is not for everyone. Almost every song is quirky and awkwardly arranged, suffering from that “new band” syndrome where anything and everything must be crammed into each song. While not every band could pull this off, I have no problem with the way Elvenking knock down every single stop and go completely out of control. On a melodic power metal base, the band blends a healthy dose of folk, bits of death and black metal, and epic prog style arrangements. Such dynamic variety can be a bit excessive for some. For example, the acoustic ballad “Skywards” begins with a dual acoustic folk riff, builds into a soft ballad structured around a fiddle and morphs into black metal by the end of the song. Other songs like “Seasonspeach” have four vocalists (one for each season), often singing at the same time – boasting numerous musical passages, at times relaxing and melodic while at others a barrage of melodic leads and fiddles overwhelming with rich complexity and immense energy. The lyrics are mainly anthems to paganism and nature (hence the band’s fetish with elves) – usually they’re quite clever. But Damnagoras’s vocals are a bit weak (his voice cracks a few times) and the guitar production is a bit muffled. There are so many different melodies and lyrics, which Damnagoras races through, the negative qualities are easily ignored. The overwhelming arrangements and weak production may dissuade some, but not me. This is the greatest folk metal album in my collection and I doubt it’ll ever be topped. A+ / 97

Wyrd (2004)
Score: B-
/ 82
After going through an extreme metal phase, Elvenking started over in ’02, intent on maintaining that enchanting folk magic they captured so perfectly on the debut. And while I wasn’t expecting Elvenking to equal the genius of their outlandish debut, I certainly hoped for at least another A grade album in said style. With the departure of lead vocalist Damnagoras (replaced by the similar timbre of Kleid), however, Elvenking have lost that magic that once made them so special. They’ve morphed into a clone (be it a more progressive one) of later era English folk metal champions Skyclad. The songs are mainly mid-tempo, built on traditional power chord structures (albeit with some clever time changes) with fiddles playing lead. Even the artwork mirrors Skyclad’s classic Vintage Whine (1999) album. This doesn’t make Wyrd a bad album. It’s mostly good, especially if you judge it outside the context of the debut album. And the epic tracks, “Moon Chariot” and “A Poem for the Firmament” effectively recapture the beautiful melodies and powerful arrangements found on the debut. But a string of similar sounding mid-tempo folk metal songs clutter the album. And while these songs are decent, I’m used to a certain magic from this band… a magic that feels somehow diluted with less melody and ambition, weaker vocal parts, and less variation in tempo (both between and within songs). The limited edition contains two bonus tracks: “Disappearing Sands” and “A Fiery Stride”, the former of which is one of the album’s stronger songs. Those who felt the debut showed potential but was too chaotic, may even see this follow-up as an improvement. Yet, to me, the chaos that Elvenking managed was what made them so special. B- / 82
All 3 of Elvenking's albums are great stuff, I don't think Wyrd sucks at all. There are some great anthems on it. I've read a lot of negative reviews complaining that the band pushed the folk influences back in favor of a more standard power metal approach, but there's still plenty of Celtic flavored goodness on this album. I like how on Winter Wake, the "extreme" vocals are less extreme. The anthemic choruses are as good as ever too.
jhallum said:
I made a blind buy on this at Impulse during Powerfest weekend(thanks to Kyle/Squarooticus). Definitely something different. I like it so far! Something about power chords with violins. :headbang:


Far more listenable than Heathenreel. The production, the guitar tone, the songwriting... everything is quite improved. This is an addictive album! I give it two horns up!!


I've got two right hands???
Bryan316 said:
I give it two horns up!!


I've got two right hands???

Not only that, but that is the sign for "I love you".

Heathenreel is such an awesome album. I never bought Wyrd because the soundclips and reviews I read didn't really convince me to do so. I might have to check into Winter's Wake...
DemonHelm said:
Heathenreel is such an awesome album. I never bought Wyrd because the soundclips and reviews I read didn't really convince me to do so. I might have to check into Winter's Wake...

Yes, doso. Immediately. Elvenking is quite frankly one of my favorite bands of all genere's, but the problem with WYRD was the fact that the stress and uneasyness that the band said was present during Klieds stay really came through in the album, it seemed forced, uncohiesive, and totally NOT the sound I had expected to hear from Elvenking. During the split with Damnagoras, he created a band called Leprechaun (www.leprechaun.it for the demo), and his band was by far the placeholder for the magic of Elvenking. Leprechaun was slightly more folky and pagan influenced than Elvenking is, but every bit of magic was there. You can tell Damna and his band worked hard and loved the music, it shined through on the demo. It's a shame they couldn't get a decent record deal. (hint hint anyone reading)

The re-uniting of Elvenking, while resulting in the split of Jarpen (Lead guitar/Growels), and Damnagoras (pronounced Damn-nag-oras..hehe) instantly brought back the special feeling in the music, as if the burden of creation was relieved and it was once again fun. Damna now does all the growling himself (aside from the title track) and I must say, excels at it. The Winter Wake provides something for everyone. The folky melodies of Trow's Kind, the Progressive feel of Swallowtail and the acoustic awesomeness of On the Morning Dew. Like it fast and booming? Check out Neverending Nights, easily the catchiest song on the CD. Aydan's songwriting and music at their A game, definitely, not to mention Damna.

The Winter Wake will surely revive any fans who did not particularly like where the band was heading with WYRD. (A Poem for the Firmament was definitely killer awesome though)

-The official Blind Guardian forum Elvenking Pimp.
Heathenreel is, as already stated, an amazing album. It should be everyone here's task (if not already done) to find this album and buy it no matter the cost. I found it online for 13 bucks (standard CD price), so it's not super rare. Heathenreel is simply an unstoppable album...a superb effort.
I love Matt's guitar playing. Jens vocal work was also stronger on this album than Savage Circus imo.
nailz said:
Yes, doso. Immediately. Elvenking is quite frankly one of my favorite bands of all genere's, but the problem with WYRD was the fact that the stress and uneasyness that the band said was present during Klieds stay really came through in the album, it seemed forced, uncohiesive, and totally NOT the sound I had expected to hear from Elvenking. During the split with Damnagoras, he created a band called Leprechaun (www.leprechaun.it for the demo), and his band was by far the placeholder for the magic of Elvenking. Leprechaun was slightly more folky and pagan influenced than Elvenking is, but every bit of magic was there. You can tell Damna and his band worked hard and loved the music, it shined through on the demo. It's a shame they couldn't get a decent record deal. (hint hint anyone reading)

The re-uniting of Elvenking, while resulting in the split of Jarpen (Lead guitar/Growels), and Damnagoras (pronounced Damn-nag-oras..hehe) instantly brought back the special feeling in the music, as if the burden of creation was relieved and it was once again fun. Damna now does all the growling himself (aside from the title track) and I must say, excels at it. The Winter Wake provides something for everyone. The folky melodies of Trow's Kind, the Progressive feel of Swallowtail and the acoustic awesomeness of On the Morning Dew. Like it fast and booming? Check out Neverending Nights, easily the catchiest song on the CD. Aydan's songwriting and music at their A game, definitely, not to mention Damna.

The Winter Wake will surely revive any fans who did not particularly like where the band was heading with WYRD. (A Poem for the Firmament was definitely killer awesome though)

-The official Blind Guardian forum Elvenking Pimp.

Thanks for that review! I must check it out now.

BTW, I haven't checked out the BG forum in a long time but as soon as I saw your signoff quote I remembered seeing you on there, heheh.