Elvenking to sell exclusive t-shirt at ProgPower!

Apr 10, 2006
Pawtucket, RI
ELVENKING are ready to make their first visit to the USA tomorrow!
'We really hope to see a lot of you there in Atlanta at Progpower IX
and have some fun together! Be sure to rock during the show and please visit us after the gig! Have a look also at the merchandising stand 'cause we have some special t-shirts which are being printed in limited edition and will be available at the festival only!'


Once back from the US, you will have a lot of news and infos about “Two tragedy poets…and a caravan of weird figures” including first samples from the album.

In the meantime if you have curiosities or questions to ask about the acoustic album you can write them in our forum. The band will answer to the best ones in order to reveal everything about it.


Ugh. I'm jealous.
Hell yeah! I have been playing the hell outta their The Winter Wake CD! I am SO fired up to see them on Friday! If that shirt is in my size, it shall be MINE!
I'm not very elf-like (other than the fact that I'm skinny)...I wish I had pointy ears and smooth alabaster skin. The immortality wouldn't be so bad either.
The Special Edition "The Scythe" Shirt I have is a Large and it fits me fine, and I fit into American Larges.

I've already been asked by people in the Elvenking forum to buy them this shirt. Lol!
SWEET! I was thinking about getting one of their shirts anyway, my wife will for sure now.