Its been a bit quiet on the metal front lately. We hope to heat things up:
Elvenking - Two Tragic Poets (ltd digipak edition)
Elvenking - Two Tragic Poets (regular edition for you cheap bastards
Volbeat - Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood
Helstar - The King Of Hell (2CD ltd edition)
Eden's Curse - The Second Coming
Edguy - Tinnitus Sanctus
Bittencourt Project - Brainworms 1 (new solo disc from Angra guitarist)
Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls (Xian power/prog metal)
Harmony - Chapter II: Aftermath (Melodic metal sharing members of Darkwater)
Halcyon Way - A Manifesto For Domination
Chaoswave - Dead Eye Dreaming (Italian progressive thrash)
Morning - Moments Of Truth (2nd disc from Dutch band similar to The Gathering)
Elvenking - Two Tragic Poets (ltd digipak edition)
Elvenking - Two Tragic Poets (regular edition for you cheap bastards

Volbeat - Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood
Helstar - The King Of Hell (2CD ltd edition)
Eden's Curse - The Second Coming
Edguy - Tinnitus Sanctus
Bittencourt Project - Brainworms 1 (new solo disc from Angra guitarist)
Theocracy - Mirror Of Souls (Xian power/prog metal)
Harmony - Chapter II: Aftermath (Melodic metal sharing members of Darkwater)
Halcyon Way - A Manifesto For Domination
Chaoswave - Dead Eye Dreaming (Italian progressive thrash)
Morning - Moments Of Truth (2nd disc from Dutch band similar to The Gathering)