
*Waits for a monologue from Diabolik*

Seriously, watching that video eerily reminded me of a Finnish band I got into a few years back called Entwine. I am disturbed because I liked Entwine. :erk:

Entwine was cool. What exactly reminded you of Entwine...couldn't be the song...Entwine actually had good catchy songs...especially on "Time of Despair"...the song "Nothing Left To Say" rawked!!! :kickass:
BTW...this thread was not intended to slam Diabolik for his tastes or the band. I seriously want an explanation....simply because Bob always praises the band but has never actually explained what makes them so great in his opinion.
Entwine was cool. What exactly reminded you of Entwine...couldn't be the song...Entwine actually had good catchy songs...especially on "Time of Despair"...the song "Nothing Left To Say" rawked!!! :kickass:

What grabbed be initially was a very similar vocal style. It was weird because it took me a minute to think of the name of the band I was thinking of. It also wasn't the song itself, per se, I guess it was the structure of the song that I found familiar...if that makes any sense. You mean I'm not the only one that knows of Entwine?! Yes, I have "Time of Despair" and "Nothing Left To Say" was the very first song that I heard by them. They are good, catchy "pop-ish" metal.

I wasn't trying to bag on Diabolik either. I just know how strong he is in his musical convictions. ;)
hey....since I actually had to work at work I wasnt able to hop on this thread until now....I will openly admit...that new song isnt good, nor is the video.

I challenge anyone to listen to "Heathenreel" or the last one "The Winters Wake" and say that they are generic or lame. The vocals take a bit to get used to but to me they are one of the few who can mix folk and power metal and make it work and write very catchy songs.

Can anyone really explain why certain bands apeal to them? Asides that when the first time I put Heathenreel on years back...I was floored...it was what I was totally looking for in band. I nice mix of different genre's and very interesting lyrics and stuff.

I am not a fanboy...they have thier bad songs too. I think the whole Elvenking thing started when I was fucking around here last Powerfest suggesting them a bunch of times and I got a great reaction from people...I love beating a dead horse for comedy sakes and kept the joke going. They are my favorite band. I am a little scared of the new disc because that new song isnt that good. Hopefully one day I will get to see them live. Ihave a bad feeling they will be playing ProgPower next year. I really hope not since I dont want to have to take a trip to see a band. I am super lazy.

Never feel like you guys are ever slamming me. I enjoy the banter and fighting. It makes this a fun place to post. If you havent caught on yet...most of my post are set ups for cut downs on me. always feel free to take pot shots at me.

Most of your opinions I dont judge other than Will's since he is a fanboy suck up.
I thought their first one was halfway decent, but the second and The Winter Wake didn't do anything for me.

your girlfreind said the same thing....the second and third one did nothing for me!

the second one is underrated but they had a line up change and the main songwriter was gone. two of my favorite songs they have are from that disc.
for me its just the way they deliver the songs the vocal melodies,etc. Love Heathenreel and Winters Wake but did nit get WYRD at all. Hope to also see them here someday.
That song in the video is NOTHING what I expected. I never heard the band, and checked it out. I don't hear the "folk" metal at all. It falls in the realm of HIM or The 69 Eyes. Like Finnish rock or something. In all honesty, with a name like Elvenking, I expected total Dungeons and Dragons cheese, and this was pleasantly surprising.
That song in the video is NOTHING what I expected. I never heard the band, and checked it out. I don't hear the "folk" metal at all. It falls in the realm of HIM or The 69 Eyes. Like Finnish rock or something. In all honesty, with a name like Elvenking, I expected total Dungeons and Dragons cheese, and this was pleasantly surprising.

this new disc is pretty much non-folk this time around. Heethenreel is definetly worth checking out.