Embers Fade Oberon Asphyxiation

Hello, its robbie from embers fade.
Last time we jammed we decided we are not ready to play again. PAC was different because the set was a half hour. We only arranged 30 min of material and played. We have new material, but nothing we can prepare for the 28th. Anyway we are officially dropping out of the show on saturday but we will definitly play again soon and our own shows.

P.S. we are definitly doing the next big fireign show when they release the album...and also thank you to everyone for all the kind words from the PAC show.

Well that fucking sucks. Evan told to me and others that you guys were definitely doing the show on the 28th. After sticking your names on the posters and shit now your not playing? This should have been decided before you gave us the ok to add you too the list. That means were gonna be short a band. Oh well, Thanks. I guess if your not ready your not ready.
I was under the impression we were playing till last night, but last night it was found out that were not. I'm terribly sorry for any inconvienance caused by us dropping out, it just seems that we don't have enough material to fully fill a set.