

Jul 17, 2001
Anybody here heard of these guys? I downloaded their first album Amorous Anathema a few days ago and I really like it... The only problem is no place is selling it except for relapse for over $20 (with S&H). I don't know what to do...
Originally posted by llamaura
I have one of their songs on a compilation but I didn't like it a whole lot. I think it was the vocals.

I think Blackspirit is a big Embraced fan, so she might be able to help you.

>:eek:P You got that right! Hehe.... Somehow everyone notices
what bands I'm in love with... I'm probably acting like a total
lunatic, but oh well... >:eek:P

So Despot; you picked the right album to download by them,
that's for sure. I think that their "Within" is just half-way as
good as "Amorous Anathema", but then again, that's not fair,
cause I haven't listened to it enough yet ;o)
I will, once I can stop listening to their first one >:eek:P

Anyways, I know you can find "Amorous..." at Sound Of Noise,
the local recordstore here.... They have a webshop but it's
only in Norwegian :eek:/ But if you really want that album you
could try emailing them at ordre@soundofnoise .
But I warn you, cd's in Norway are really expensive... Hehe...
Probably cheaper ordering where you first found the cd... :eek:P