

there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
I discovered this band today.
Anyone else here into this band?
The first song I heard was "Memento Of Emotions",
off the album "Amorous Anathema" and the start
made me fall in love INSTANTLY! There was
something about the sound. The piano on this
album is gorgeous! Then I though "Shit, hope the
vocals won't let me down!"
But they did....They are a bit annoying, but the guy
telling me about this band was like
"you'll get used to them", and I guess so,
because this band's music is just amazing!!!

Now I have downloaded "Within" as well,
but I don't find that album as good...
I need to listen more to this band.
I have only known about it for a couple of hours!

If you want to check out Embraced
mentioned above and "The End And Here We All Die"!
I know they are hard to find, but audiogalaxy has
some of their tracks :eek:)
Happy hunting is all I can say, this is a must hear! :eek:)
Embraced RULES!!! :headbang:

Amorous Anathema is one of the best melodic death metal albums i know...!!!
Within is also good, but not half as good as AA.. :(
and btw....they are no longer active...they split after the release of Within.
Originally posted by Soulreaper
Embraced RULES!!! :headbang:

Amorous Anathema is one of the best melodic death metal albums i know...!!!
Within is also good, but not half as good as AA.. :(
and btw....they are no longer active...they split after the release of Within.

*HNNNGH*!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE SPLIT!?!??????? SPLIT!!!!!!?
NoooOOOOooooooOooooooooo!!!!! >:eek:(

Oh well, so that was the shock of the day! :eek:P

At first I was jumping in my chair because I got a replay
on my post! Hehe... "YES! Someone knows this band!!!"
And then the sad news... But thanks anyway! >:eek:P

Amorous Anathema is just brilliant... I can't stop listening to it!
They are REALLY good if you like "powerful" melodic death metal with lots of keyboards...

But i dont think you can compare them with Opeth....2 very different styles, and of course Opeth is better ;)
Originally posted by Prophetix
The name "Embraced" rings a bell to me. Are they any good? I'm not talking any normal type of good. Im talking an Opethian type of Good. Are they? :cry:

They're nothing like Opeth, but you should
give them a try. They are truly original! :eek:)
I was in love after hearing five seconds!

Soulreaper; Thanks for the url for the lyrics! :eek:)