emergency drumagog problem


Sep 21, 2006
i get up today and turn on the pc and im getting "not a correct gog header" when i open a project with drumagog plugins running

so i upgrade to drumagog 4.11

open the project, and get "incorrect header size"

so i do some googling, and there's some issues with memory... so i try the /3GB switch in my boot.ini, still get the error

can anyone help?
i should mention that these projects were running just fine yesterday
and the only change made prior to the problem was going from one lcd monitor to two lcd monitors and activating dual display on windows configuration

changed made post problem have been
updating to 4.11
adding the /3GB switch (because it wasnt there before and the problem still occured with or without it)
and activating system managed page file (page file was turned off prior to problem)

rebooted several times
problem still occurs
still having issues...
if i take all the drumagog plugins off the project and start loading them one by one i can get as far as like 5 instances

when i load the 6th, the entire graphic display doesnt come up
still having issues...
if i take all the drumagog plugins off the project and start loading them one by one i can get as far as like 5 instances

when i load the 6th, the entire graphic display doesnt come up

That is definitely something with your memory then, but it sounds really strange that dual displaying in Windows should mess it up like that.
wow this really sucks
we're already half a week behind
and i just dont see this being practical to get the song approved in sections
i'd rather have the drummer say, ok what you just played for me was perfect and i agree, then bounce
not go, ok are the kick and snares good? ignore the missing cymbals

did i mention i didnt have this problem yesterday? FUCK
This happens with me too (graphics not coming up) but only after about 10 drumagogs, which is still not enough. I usually have to make multiple project files then bounce the audio down.

I do the same :loco:

wow this really sucks
we're already half a week behind
and i just dont see this being practical to get the song approved in sections
i'd rather have the drummer say, ok what you just played for me was perfect and i agree, then bounce
not go, ok are the kick and snares good? ignore the missing cymbals

did i mention i didnt have this problem yesterday? FUCK

That sucks dude :erk:
You could always burn yourself out and remake all the gogs :rolleyes:
Does it work when you disable dual display? If yes then you might have to leave the second display for after you're done with the project.