EMG 81 18v mod


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
Saw some of you guys discussing this a while back, was wondering if anyone could go into greater detail? All i got outta the thread was 'another 9v in series' but how?

My hellraiser definitely has this problem of the strings 'clipping' with the attack, and it's the only major negative about the guitar. Hoping I can fix it.

I had the same trouble In my ESP... the preamp clipping. The 18v mod fixed it.

Here's what you do... Get another battery clip from Radio Shack or another set of EMG's, and then you are just hooking the batteries up in SERIES (+to -), unsolder the black battery wire from your output jack and hook it up to the red wire of the new clip, then hook the black wire of the new clip to the output jack where the old black wire used to be. The pickups will see the two nine volt batteries in series as an 18 volt supply.