J Jersen Member Oct 22, 2001 32 0 6 43 Malvern, AR Aug 20, 2002 #2 Very interesting! Never tried any psychedelics (or any drug, unless alcohol counts), but the whole "unlocking the secrets of your mind" thing makes it mighty tempting.
Very interesting! Never tried any psychedelics (or any drug, unless alcohol counts), but the whole "unlocking the secrets of your mind" thing makes it mighty tempting.
MadeInNewJersey nursing my wounds Apr 15, 2002 17,334 3 38 The Ridge www.discogs.com Aug 20, 2002 #3 That's why you stay away from manmade narcotics. Stick to the stuff that grows in the Earth.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Aug 20, 2002 #4 usually