Emma Gaala

You don't know Jare&VilleGalle, the shittiest rap duo on earth? What the fuck? They were the biggest Finnish artist in 2011.
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COB have enough confidence not to participate in stupid competitions like this. I bet they had a ballot on who has to go. :D They don't even read their own forum.
Janne's speech was according: "yeah it's great to have this thing going for fifteen years with this extreme punk, and make a couple people live off... or what the fuck?!"

Well the scene is getting even more "interesting" now with a Finnish version of Justin Bieber released. Surely it's a project by people with understanding of money. Any kid can now get mega rich by being gay pussy bitch that sucks anal. It's so annoying it's almost scary and makes me wanna shut down every possible lute of social media and puke in my toilet the agony of money jealousy. This thing been online for a couple days and has 2,6 million views. Finland has 5 million population. It's kinda wrong a pup can get mega rich like this and never learn to sort his stuff ang grow up to be an adult in the society. These days boys go to ballet and all.

This is how action stars looked in the eighties


And this is how they look now

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