eMusic: Nuclear Blast is back


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
In case you haven't noticed, Nuclear Blast is back on eMusic. Apparently its been back now for about 3 weeks or so, but I just found out today. For those of us with eMusic subscriptions, this is obviously really good news. \m/
Yes, and while the months without Nuclear Blast was less than optimal, now that they're back it seems the entire catalogue has been refreshed with new rips. Every Nuclear Blast MP3 I've seen is 320 CBR, and you can't get better M3 quality than that!

My credits roll over tomorrow, and the first thing I'm downloading is the new Helloween album followed by the new Symphony X. Woo hoo.
It should be noted that they haven't uploaded the entire catalog—just the recent releases.

Yep. You are correct. Thanks for pointing this out. In addition, it seems NB's catalog has been really picked over. For example, only the most recent Accept, Sabaton, Stratovarius, and Nightwish from NB are there, but nothing from Edguy, Epica, or Hammerfall.

Its curious, but the scattered selection does explain why it must have taken so long to get some of the NB albums back. Every artist must have been nitpicked over in negotiations to the Nth degree.

Better than nothing, but worse than something. Napalm Records is still missing.
Yep. You are correct. Thanks for pointing this out. In addition, it seems NB's catalog has been really picked over. For example, only the most recent Accept, Sabaton, Stratovarius, and Nightwish from NB are there, but nothing from Edguy, Epica, or Hammerfall.

Its curious, but the scattered selection does explain why it must have taken so long to get some of the NB albums back. Every artist must have been nitpicked over in negotiations to the Nth degree.

Better than nothing, but worse than something. Napalm Records is still missing.

I suspect they just wanted to get some stuff up to coincide with the release of the Slayer album.