Its Friday

I am going on a trip soon, and when I travel I only bring CDRs, b/c it is not a big deal if I lose them or theft. I decided to make a new Enchant CDR with my favorite songs. Let me tell you, this was extremely tough to do with so many awesome songs. Of course I am going to make a 2nd, 3rd, 4th... compliation, but picking my favs was a bitch of a task. I am interested in what other Enchant fans would pick and chose as their favorites. Here is how my CD turned out
Below Zero
What to Say
The Thrist
The Ultimate Gift
Paint the Picture
Know That
I noticed a lot of 'ballads' on that list, but oh well, I guess I am a sucker for them.
Maybe we could do a song poll. Now that Enchant has six+ CDs worth of material, I would like to see what other fans think. I would be cool to see what Doug, Ed, Ted, Sean, & Paul's votes would be too. How about have top 5 songs, weighted with #1 - 5pts., #2 - 4pts, .....
Anybody up for it??
Jim (on Sunday <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"> , Monday