Oh, fuck the fucking fuck off already.
Some people are just too stupid to be allowed to speak anymore, and, if you think you know better than the world's physicists and mathematicians (you know, those funny-looking people who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT) about what this thing will do, you're one of them.
Also... 'another dimension': this is a common bullshit utterance that doesn't actually have anything to do with anything. You know what 'a' dimension is, in the actual mathematical/physical sense? The number of orthogonal directions that span a space. Not some little pocket mini-universe, or some weird place where grues and thetans and space aliens jump out of when they want to ruin our shit, not an alternate reality - no matter how many scientifically illiterates who want to sound smart try to abuse the term. It's a way of describing how 'big' a space is, not a place. A line is one-dimensional (you can go one way or another), a plane is two-dimensional, space as we observe it in an instant is three-dimensional (four-dimensional if you look at it with time changing), and we're not 'opening up another dimension' when we do stuff. We're "learning" - a novel concept for most scientifically-illiterate people, but it still happens and we need it.
If you can't see how this shit is just annoying to people who know what the hell they're talking about, go to a record store and listen to people tell you about how compression kills drums.