Endstille - Endstilles Reich


Jun 17, 2004
Endstille - Endstilles Reich
Regain Records - RR 126 - 24 September 2007
By George Grant


The war imagery applied to Germany’s Endstille for their newest album Endstilles Reich should be fitting for their raw black metal style. However, the production and mix for the album brings the strength of the material as a whole down. Instead of being the musical representation of a blitzkrieg we are treated to nothing more than the whimper of a retreating soldier.

Enstille’s style of black metal has a heavy influence from the early Norwegian scene in that their guitar lines are dominated by tremolo riffing. Typically, the band will offer long melodic lines that have an epic quality without sounded bombastic. In many ways they share similarities in playing with now defunct countrymen, Nagelfar. Such playing does allow for powerful and moving sections that paint a surreal setting, as evident in the closing section of ‘Vorwärts! (Sturmangriff II).’

As mentioned above, the real problem with Endstilles Reich lies in the production of the album. There are very little dynamics to the mix that makes the songs wash over the listener without an impact. This applies to all instruments, but no where is this most damaging than with the guitars. Endstille do know how to craft some great lines, but their impact are lost within this weak production. The same can be said with the vocals by Iblis. His voice is a fairly standard one by black metal standards, and with the flat mix thrown on top there are sure to be few to no memorable moments throughout the listen.

I was excited to listen to Endstille’s newest album as they have been a band I’ve continually heard in the underground. I must say, though, that I’m very disappointed with this new release. There’s no doubt in my mind that come year’s end, Endstilles Reich will be another one of the forgotten albums.

Official Endstille Website
Official Endstille Myspace Page
Official Regain Records Website