Endstille Verführer


A toilet brush... Cunning
Jul 13, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
Endstille – Verführer
Regain Records – RR162CD – 7 April 2009
By Simon Brand


Fitting distinctly into the hi-fi denomination of Black Metal, Endstille's sound on this album can be roughly guessed given the nature of it's production and knowledge of it's near unrelenting pace. What you may not estimate from the base specifics is that Verführer comes across as a very accomplished release.

The main attack on the band's seventh effort will inevitably be countless cries of 'generic!', and the ideas presented are definitely such. The thing that pulls Endstille ahead with this full-length is the skill and polish with which it is presented. Yes there are blast beats everywhere, sure tremolo picked guitars are ever-present and – of course – the vocals are the feral screams come to be expected of the genre, but everything is just so well done that this won't matter to even those bored of your average black metal album.

The guitars and bass have the least focus on Verführer, sticking in the background as a hulking wall of droning noise. The fantastic atmosphere of the record can greatly be attributed to their use, washing over the listener and holding them until the music ends.

Mayhemic Destructor (as he is known in true black metal fashion) really shines with his drumwork here. Although not particularly varied, all beats and fills are carried out with clinical precision and obvious skill which help carry the music a lot further than it's premise would suggest.

Zingultus (also of the German Nagelfar) gives Verführer an inspired vocal performance. Again, there is little to no departure from his core sound, but when you can scream that well you need to ask if any is really needed. His voice is very powerful and dripping with character and a dark mood, giving the release a fantastic edge to it.

Endstille aren't breaking any boundaries this time round, but they have definitely created a record worthy of the old blueprints which any fans of well-produced black metal should be able to enjoy.

Official Endstille Website
Official Endstille Myspace
Official Regain records Website