Enemies of Reality Vid


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
Weeeeeeell, it's 2 hours and 15 mins till the headbangers ball and i can't wait. I have done absolutely nothing today but wait. Hopefully the vid that was on the Launch page metalSteph gave us was actually shortened, and there will be a full version of the song/vid on tonight. If not, then i will be very angry for several weeks. Thoughts anyone?
Personally, I can't wait.....I'm on a 56k connection, so I couldn't really watch it, and I have been waiting to see this video ever since they announced it. I really don't care if they took out the solo either........because that happens with most videos. Less than an hour to go.......*prepares* *undresses, gets lotion*
Wow....Guerrilla, you know just how to talk to me..........and yeah.....I think that they would have to cut a few things out of Light of Day, Day of Darkness...........just a few...........