Enemies of Reality...

When they drinking redbull and join me with kava kava juice..

Whats WD???>>, trying to quench his thrist with holy redbull. Blood to wine, flesh to bread, Feast upon the NEVERMORE, communion now defiled.

pRINGLES CHIP PACKETS ARE good listening devices.
we walk in silent streams of sanity gone...
the enemies of reality pervert our sweet swansong..
how can we belong?.....we're already gone....
isnt' the quote:
"It isn't like you can just kill me"

"Actually, it's a lot like that"


referring to "a guy..."'s signature, or maybe he meant to misquote it?
Anyway, I can't wait to see what Nevermore has in store for us next. I have only one request, get Century Media to send more copies to Utah this time, I had to go to 3 stores last time to find DHIADW, and they only had 1 copy. A guy that worked there had set it aside so he could buy it, but they made him give it up for me (mwa, ha ha!!). Too bad for him, though, since he probably had to wait for a few weeks to hear the brillaince that is DHIADW.
Teasers Teasers Teasers.......

Lyrics are awesome as usual. L8r, DavE

PS: I am Poison God Machine over on the Megadeth boards; L8r!
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
Hey ZANEX, PIN is now a song on the new album titled, as of now, Enemies of Reality. Warrel Said that PIN will be a long instrumental song, and then said "politics fans beware". So, that should kick ass.


NP: PoE - Tieneman Man
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
isnt' the quote:
"It isn't like you can just kill me"

"Actually, it's a lot like that"


referring to "a guy..."'s signature, or maybe he meant to misquote it?
Anyway, I can't wait to see what Nevermore has in store for us next. I have only one request, get Century Media to send more copies to Utah this time, I had to go to 3 stores last time to find DHIADW, and they only had 1 copy. A guy that worked there had set it aside so he could buy it, but they made him give it up for me (mwa, ha ha!!). Too bad for him, though, since he probably had to wait for a few weeks to hear the brillaince that is DHIADW.

well...it could be, but that's what I heard when I played "Battle" at least!:confused:
Thanks for the info regarding P.I.N. I do remember Warrel saying it was going to be an instrumental. Also, I remember something about Jeff Loomis talking about P.I.N. in a guitar magazine. Anyway, I'm sure the next Nevermore album will be another masterpiece as the previous one's are.


SO i FUCKING TAKE lsd, AND see neyond the next 20yrs.