Energetic Disassembly re-issued?


Black Heart
Jun 20, 2002
Planet Morgoth
Institute Of Art (UK) seems to have silently re-issued ED on July 8th! At least two online retailers (www.cdeurope.com and www.musicpeople.de) started to offer this CD for around $14, and both state the release date of 08-Jul-2002. Any official word on it? Press release or something?
At the same time, Amazon.co.uk removed ED from their listing. Probably they'll get it right this time and assign it its own ASIN.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Ken said that he's not 100% sure they're legit, and the Institute of Arts isn't the most reliable, but they are on order and are supposed to arrive soon. Let's all hope for the best.
They're hopefully legit since IOA previously released ED in 1997 and most likely didn't lose their rights to publish it.
Just my 2 cents - I have no idea of how IP laws work. Can't wait for it to appear on Laser's shop pages.
Not news but some thoughts.
Energetic Disassembly was first released on ZOMBO label.
Then re-released on IOA, that was distributed by Rough Trade, that now renamed itself to ZOMBA Records.
ZOMBO then, ZOMBA now?