Enforsaken.........With James Murphy

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Arlington Heights, Illinois-based death metallers ENFORSAKEN sophomore album, "The Forever Endeavor", is due on March 9, 2004 through Century Media/Olympic Records. The mastering of the CD was recently completed by James Murphy (DISINCARNATE, DEATH, TESTAMENT, OBITUARY), who also contributed a guitar solo to the song "All For Nothing". All cover and layout art was completed by DARK TRANQUILLITY guitarist Niklas Sundin for Cabin Fever Media.

From Blabbermouth.Net
Lykorian said:
My hometown! Unfortunately, I don't see these guys as anything more than a derivative/uninspired melodic death metal band. No fucking thank you. Shame one of my favorite guitarists got his name attached to this...

He only Mastered the album(know what that is?) and got paid to help him pay for his hospital & medical bills, he's a professional musician and thats what he does for a living, sorry he does'nt get you to OK what band projects he undertakes, and he played one guitar solo, and Death Metal is what James Murphy does best, I'm ashamed your putting him down for trying to earn a living.........attach that to your face!.......its prettier!
Wow, I"m shocked that you are so blatently rude , and disrespectful to James and what he is trying to do , he's doing what he does best, MUSIC. You are making it sound like he's Mastering a rap record , and even if he was , big fucking deal. James has Metal in his blood , and I'm sure he did a fine job with that record.
I appreciate that James is still involved in creating music and helping out younger bands to do the same. However, I'm only offering my honest opinion that Enforsaken is shit. I'd love to support everything James attaches his name to, but in this case, I've seen this band live and found nothing interesting about them. There's something wrong with that? And yes, I'm sure he did a fine job with it regardless...
Lykorian said:
I appreciate that James is still involved in creating music and helping out younger bands to do the same. However, I'm only offering my honest opinion that Enforsaken is shit. I'd love to support everything James attaches his name to, but in this case, I've seen this band live and found nothing interesting about them. There's something wrong with that? And yes, I'm sure he did a fine job with it regardless...

Maybe the help that James Murphy gives them provides an energy to
their music you believe is missing. Who knows. I remember seeing
Obituary back in the day when James worked with them on "Cause of
Death" and he has always been awesome. My friends and me loved
the first Obituary disc back then and we shit our drawers when James
went on board with them it was so awesome. Whatever James does,
makes a big difference. You might be surprised. You might think I'm FOS
but I've been around. I've learned a thing or two. Give it a chance before
you say 'no thank you' and 'fuck that' and 'they're nothing special"

Officer Nice
I hear you OfficerNice. I'm all for giving bands second listens. Hell, that's one of the best things about MP3 downloading -- you don't have to waste your cash in doing so. :)

Regarding Enforsaken, I'm a little more critical of them then I would be otherwise, partly because they're from my hometown and partly because their chosen style is so abundant and lacking in quality in today's "scene"...

Obituary's Cause Of Death is definitely their best album, the only album of theirs I can actually listen to with a straight face.

And I do agree with both of you that James definitely seems to improve everything he touches, at least as a player. Low is easily my favorite "new Testament" album, and The Gathering certainly had it's moments. Although, I wish James's talents were better utilized on that album.
Lykorian said:
I hear you OfficerNice. I'm all for giving bands second listens. Hell, that's one of the best things about MP3 downloading -- you don't have to waste your cash in doing so. :)

Regarding Enforsaken, I'm a little more critical of them then I would be otherwise, partly because they're from my hometown and partly because their chosen style is so abundant and lacking in quality in today's "scene"...
And the point I made applies with this next statement of yours.
I'm sure there were folks in Florida who said "Obituary is from my
hometown and their chosen style is so abundant and lacking in quality in
today's scene" after they "Slowly We Rot" out and then James comes
along and they do "Cause of Death" and those same critics I mean fans
flip-flop and say Sonobitch!

And I do agree with both of you that James definitely seems to improve everything he touches, at least as a player. Low is easily my favorite "new Testament" album, and The Gathering certainly had it's moments. Although, I wish James's talents were better utilized on that album.
Did you ever hear the Cancer disc James played on? It's great.
And James did play on Death, Disincarnate and Khonkra among others.
Dont forget those....

-Officer Nice
I haven't heard the Cancer disc, but I think even James's involvement couldn't save Death's Spiritual Healing. Disincarnate is a good one, I should throw that on sometime...I wonder when he's gonna start recording their new album...?

With your Obituary analogy, I think Obituary came around when the Floridian death metal style was still interesting and had new ideas to offer, unlike the oversaturated and creatively-lacking melodic death style. Regardless, I see your point, and I agree to some extent.