Engl Fast Hand Motion Clip

It sounds tiny next to the EVH 5153...
Engl sucks big time...
Used to be a fanboy but unfortunatly,my bugera sounds bigger than my blackmore and my friend's fireball...
Thank god,you can still sell these craps easily...
For the 5150III I used the stiletto cabm this is the oversized one!

The EVH would have sounded even bigger through the oversized recto.

But I do like this Engl for leads....just not enough balls for modern metal IMO....damn, that output tranny looks pathetic
I was VERY happy after swapping the V1 with something hotter,can't remember which one, but the difference was rather big!

Just sayin... The Blacki is awesome.
Yeah, swapping the tubes was the first thing I did, the stock v1 is a Sovtek 12ax7wb...total crap.

The Blackmore is my favourite Engl....this one sounds a bit different, has less balls than the Blackmore, but a niceer creamier midrange, not sure which one I prefer tbh.
this one kills for leads.
Here it's boosted through the Bogner Ubercab..

I'm a uge fan of the Mesa cabs for their smooth, balanced and somewhat sophisticated tone.
But if it has to be a bit more "brutal" and menacing DM sounding the Bogner cab slays.

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