Engl Fireball phase inverter?

i guess V6. the factory-schematic and the manual have different numbering, but this would make sense.

regards, khe
From Eurotubes;

ECC83S Gold Pin with Balanced Triodes
Price: $22.00 per tube

ECC83S Matched and Balanced
Price: $14.00 per tube

ECC83 S Gold Pin - 12AX7

Our observations: This is the newest short plate 12AX7 variant from JJ which is a Gold Pin version of the ECC83S tube. When I spoke with Jamona at the January 2006 NAMM show we discussed the Gold Pin line and as I stated above about the ECC803S he simply wanted to make the tube better.

Once again, the best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin ECC83S is a little smoother and richer sounding. These make great V1 tubes in any amp if you're after a smoother and richer tone and I have quite a few customers running them in all positions which is a bit expensive but if you want the best of the best in smooth rich tone these will do it.

ECC83 S - 12AX7

Factory description: Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise.
Our observations: The ECC83S is great tube with a tight low end, a very natural and harmonically complex mid with VERY good definition and a sweet high end that is not brittle. These tubes have very low microphonics and are great in the gain stages of high gain amps like Marshall's, Meas's and Peaveys to name a few.

The best part is that you can buy a new tube that sounds this good for one tenth the price of an NOS Telefunken.

I personally just want to try something different thats why i went for the Gold pins.
I have standard JJ's in my Krank i could possibly do a shoot out and see if there is actually
much difference, these are in the post so i don't have them yet.