Engl+Krank from pothead

Holy shit.... if I'm getting stuff like that, I'd make sure I stay away from drugs...and just substitute that with hookers...that makes it a win-win-win situation.

win(got amp, gtr and car) - win(staying clean of drugs) - win(well you get the point)...
Man, I feel really bad for the dad, it must be rough raising a kid/kids and feeling powerless while they flush their life down the shitter :( (no I'm not speaking from personal experience being the kid here, not anywhere near that degree anyway, I can just easily imagine)
Personally I think the dads a dick. Not only would I buy my kid the amp, cab and car but I would also buy him a BIG bag of weed on top. (that is if I could ever find any!)
A Poopball and a Krank cab? What a spiteful stepdad! No wonder the kid choose the dope over this. :heh:


Very much this:

Man, I feel really bad for the dad, it must be rough raising a kid/kids and feeling powerless while they flush their life down the shitter :( (no I'm not speaking from personal experience being the kid here, not anywhere near that degree anyway, I can just easily imagine)

Must be rough for him to actually take the things away from him but it's the right decision.

... if the story is actually true and not just some fairytale to get more views for his ad. Who knows?
Good point - and also, I just realized that the ad never says the kid got bad grades, just that he *gasp* smoked the herb, and the Dad shouldn't have bought the kid the amp + cab first and THEN expected the kid to hold up his end of the bargain, come on now; so while my above sentiment stands in the general sense, this dumbass brought it upon himself, fuck him :lol: