ENGL Savage for "classic rock"?

May 12, 2005
So I'm in the market of changing my guitar rig (selling of a JVM 205H and a 5150II because I find the 5150 to agressive to the music I play now and the marshall isn't versatile enough)

Got offered to trade the peavey for a Savage 120 but im not quite sure that that is the way for me to go either?

The sound I'm looking for is kinda ACDC over the top, a pretty rough distorsion sound with plenty of crunch but still a tight low end.

I'm more based towards getting an ENGL blackmore, but still... It's a pretty good trade, so advise me fellow sneapsters.

We sound something like www.myspace.com/egonaut
If the Savage is in good condition, I say go for it. It's worth a shot. The Savage seems to be a very versatile amp. Worst case scenario: You wind up selling the Savage for more money than you would get for the Peavey anyway....?
I had three Engl's (screamer savage 120, invader 100), three Marshalls (900, 800KK, JVM210), a Mesa Stiletto and a H&K Switchblade on a shootout, and the Savage is the one I'm missing.
The Invader has more than anyone could ever need. It's truly a BEAST. But, IMO, the Savage is more practical and user friendly. Plus, the Savage is tried and true. My money would be down on the Savage.