English Premier League Soccer


Apr 15, 2001
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Well the season is just about to start and here is my fearless predition whos gonna win , itssss....... drumroll please either Arsenal , Manchester United or Chelsea ........ Hopfully Chelsea as they have brought the better talent from the Hapless Hammers ( West Ham you know that team that Harry Harris also supports ) Hopfully they will be promoted & be back in the Premier next year .......Gee maybe MAIDEN will tour downunder .......well we all have dreams.........
Everton all the way here. I'm not expecting big things, because we've been pretty inactive in the transfer market over summer. If we can snag Sean Davis I'll be happy though, as apparently he's pretty good.

I'd like to see Newcastle or Chel$ea win, because it would really make a change. As long as the team that wins doesn't play in red I'll be satisfied.
Nice work. :) Where's your family from?

Everton just lost, though I'm not surprised. We have no creativity in the midfield at present.