enslaved wins


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
found this on another forum

"The Norwegian party Venstre (socialist liberal) has proposed that all illegal file sharing should be legalized. They haven’t put much thought behind the populist proposal and the rationale is basically that since the music is there people should be allowed to consume it freely...

So, in response to this the Norwegian metal band ENSLAVED took a cab out to the Venstre party leader’s farm (he happens to be a sheep farmer) and "downloaded a sheep" with the same kind of motivation: free roaming sheep are available and should be consumed! The sheep was then brought back to the Norwegian parliament, quite an effective statement."

Metalgutter stjal Sponheims sau - Side2

the link above also features a video of the band taking the sheep, and walking it around Oslo, it's all in Norwegian, but the video is hilarious.

EDIT: Those first two supporting bands are Anagnorisis and Assisting Sorrow, two awesome locals. Don't know about the other two.
Enslaved wins because on December 7 they will become the first viking metal band to play Louisville. I'm not going to comment on the actual issue, because this thread will inevitably revert into bitching.

Yeah, I was excited when I heard they were coming to Louisville, which is where I'm from, but I'll still be in Pittsburgh that day. :erk: