
The Wanderer

Watcher of the Storm
I love this band. I think they are innovative and just damn cool. They keep gettting weirder with each album, which is also cool.

I got a promo of the new, monumension the other day. Has anyone else heard it? if so what do you think? I like it. It' s like enslaved meets pink foyd and other weirdness. very cool.

my favorites are blodmemn and frost...
I have only heard Mardraum and Bloodhemn..great stuff..
I wouldnt call them weird but yes, they are easier to listen to than most of their norwegian counterparts..
Enslaved meets pick floyd?? that sounds interesting, though Im not sure if I will like it..will try it when I find it.
Yeah - im well into Enslaved as well! Ive got all their stuff (..i think!), and to be honest, they may well be the most under-rated band in the underground.

Maybe their competly unique ideas and music are to much for most people!! I just cant get enough.

Ive only heard two sample tracks of the new disk - The Voices and Vision - and once again, they pulled out all the stops!! (Maybe i should be their press manager!! LOL!!)
I heard Monusmension a few weeks ago, and although i think that it is a good album in terms of song writing etc, i dont really like it. I find it too progressive for my taste. After repeated listens i think it could grow on me, but i only listened to it once due to computer probs.
I love everything upto and including Eld, and Hordanes Land was what got me into BM/VM. One word that descibes Enslaved very well, in my opinion, is 'epic'.