Enter the Grave White Label Vinyl on ebay!!!


Captain Information
Jan 2, 2006
huddersfield UK
ey ups lads and lasses, my mate damion just spotted this on ebay and called me to let me know so i thought i would pass it onto you lot to have a look at.

its a white label double vinyl of enter the grave, its up for auction by the record label earache (i didnt even know they were putting this on haha) which means its fucking rare!!!!! its one of the first production test runs.

check it oooouuuuuuuuttttttttt.....


I'll be honest Matt, fair play and all that but im fucking gutted you've posted this haha I've been watching the test pressing on eBay for days now and im planning on buying it.. Oh well. :p
Oh well, I got outbid. I honestly thought I was going to win it too! :lol:

It went for more than the Scream Bloody Gore vinyl I have signed by Chuck! haha

Fucking £205.. If the winner ('evilepromo') reads this, im VERY fucking jealous! :lol:

REALLLLLLLLYYYY wish I'd shipped my old 80s vinyl stuff over when I moved from Dublin to London. Could have made a fucking mint....instead it ended up chucked in a skip when my dad forgot to take it out of the attic of the house before he moved out :D