Epic and Heavy ...anyone?

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I'm looking for material which is epic and heavy. Maybe along the lines of Vital Remains, or Nargaroth's Seven Tears.

Theres more that I cannot remember right now but Im in the mood for somehting new.
Check out Amon Amarth
Some of the more epic songs are:
The Avenger, The Sound of Eight Hooves, Abandoned, Victorious March, The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves.

And you might want to check out Immortal although they aren't very heavy, but they are more so than the bands mentioned in the other replies.
hmm, lemme think...

Graveworm. symphonic black. try the song Demonic Dreams.

possibly Avulsed. the melodies are extremely good, though only some are what people would call EPIC probably. listen to Daddy Stew and Homeless Necrophile

i'll second Amon Amarth (try the song ...and soon the world will cease to be), Emperor, Borknagar although they're not really heavy.

Melechesh. epic (eastern vibed) black thrash. try the songs Covering the Sun and Purifier of the Stars.

Neuraxis. heavy and complex death metal, but subtle melody that is compellingly epic. songs: Structures, Imagery, Reflections. you HAVE to hear this stuff.

Skyfire.....maybe not really heavy (although its fast and the vox are shrieky) but some of the best epic melodies in metal. period.

Some of Zyklon's stuff......
I will check them out. Anyone who appreciates Neuraxis and says a band has godly drumming must know what they're talkin' about. ;o)

Do you know Debodified, Alarum?