Epic HP Lovecraft quote ITT

Dec 27, 2004
"And as the wind died away I was plunged into the ghoul-pooled darkness of earth's bowels; for behind the last of the creatures the great brazen door clanged shut with a deafening peal of metallic music whose reverberations swelled out to the distant world to hail the rising sun as Memnon hails it from the banks of the Nile."

Best Lovecraft:

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
The Rats in the Walls

Although really, even bad Lovecraft is still pretty awesome. He's like the John Carpenter of books.
He had read much of things as they are, and talked with too many people. Well-meaning philosophers had taught him to look into the logical relations of things, and analyse the processes which shaped his thoughts and fancies. Wonder had gone away, and he had forgotten that all life is only a set of pictures in the brain among which there is no difference betwixt those born of real things and those born of inward dreamings, and no cause to value the one above the other. Custom had dinned into his ears a superstitious reverence for that which tangibly and physically exists, and had made him secretly ashamed to dwell in visions. Wise men told him his simple fancies were inane and childish, and he believed it because he could see that they might easily be so. What he failed to recall was that the deeds of reality are just as inane and childish, and even more absurd because their actors persist in fancying them full of meaning and purpose as the blind cosmos GRINDS AIMLESSLY ON FROM NOTHING TO SOMETHING AND FROM SOMETHING BACK TO NOTHING AGAIN, NEITHER HEEDING NOR KNOWING THE WISHES OR EXISTENCE OF THE MINDS THAT FLICKER FOR A SECOND NOW AND THEN IN THE DARKNESS.