I just bought mine today, and it was so cool out of the box. After a few hours I managed to pull off a few of the mods I've seen online, and this little amp is sounding amazing. Best $100 i've spent in years.... Who else owns one?
Both tracks here are done with a Valve Jr. Head:
Squier Telecaster with a hotrails type pup
BOSS Metal Zone (ewww!)
Valve Jr.
Crate cab with Celestion Seventy80's
I really dig the amp, I just wish I had some different speakers to try it with.
Did you mod it?
Actually REALLY considering getting one of these.
2 questions, however.
1) Does it do that deep blues sound i.e "in the name of blood" off the new virgin snatch CD.
2) Anyone tried running a pod through it?
Awesome guys! Thanks!
If anyone has a Pod XT, i love patch 13B. I'm considering buying this amp to run 13B through and mic up as my clean tone. as a direct pod tone somehow always sounds "Fake"er than the distorted ones.
Now to be a dick but would it be possible for anything to do a clip of that for me? It'd be so much appreciated!
Normally i wouldn't be so "nit-picky" over a £70 amp (generally wouldn't buy them, hahaha) but this has me interested!
Pussy. :Smug:Aye, not really wanting it for metal, more clean sections in song and softer stuff