Episode 31 is live!

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
That's right, the very special new episode, featuring James Rivera, is now live. We are both very proud of this one, and it was cool to see our friend. I haven't seen him in quite some time myself.

We cover Helstar, Vigilante, Destiny's End, Seven Witches, Distant Thunder, Flotsam & Jetsam, his tribute bands and now Vicious Rumors.

A very cool episode. Check it out.

In depth, all encompassing, I think we have hit a stride with this one. :kickass:
Hey guys, if you haven't gotten it yet, the answer to the James Rivera trivia question is Bill Lionel.

Thanks for a great episode, I only knew Mr. Rivera from his work in Seven Witches and I will definitely be checking out all those other bands. His brand of metal is right up my alley and I can't believe I missed out on all this stuff over the years.
Well, we have a weiner. Congrats to metalheadinthe253 for correctly answering the trivia question.

I also saw Helstar reunited over the weekend, and they kicked some ass. played remnants of war in its entirety and then went to play some other classics. Fit well with the episode being released the day before.
Hey guys, you probably already know this, but 9 songs from the Helstar reunion show in San Antonio in June are available at TexasMetalUnderground.com. They can be streamed or downloaded.
I sent an email to Evil C but wanted to publicly thank him and Papa Josh for a very nice prize package, contained not only the promised items but also some stickers, posters, a sampler, some really cool stuff. Thanks a lot guys!!:rock: :rock: