Episode 33: 1 Year Anniversary

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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Greetings friends,

Episode 33 of MSRcast just went live. We started our podcast one year ago to this week, but instead of patting ourselves on the back and all that nonsense, we instead bring you another episode chock full of metal goodness. MSRcast. 1 year. Spread the word...

Bands included in this episode are Cradle Of Filth, Dokken, dead horse, Abstrakt Algebra, Leatherwolf, Images Of Violence, Scar Symmetry, Helloween, Exodus, Blue Murder, Gwar, Verbal Deception, Enslaved and Iron Maiden...

Enjoy the variety, and as always, Fuck the Mainstream!

Evil C.
Congrats on making it for a year and for yet another great episode. Loved the new Cradle of Filth and Leatherwolf. That Helloween cover was awesome, I used to raid my dad's record collection and he had all the Grand Funk albums, that is one of my favorite Grand Funk songs. And the Maiden song was my favorite from the new album. Here's hoping for another great year of the MSRcast:rock: :kickass: :Smokin:
On Saturday morning, I was listening to episode 33 on a long train journey home from my friends house while still coming down off of 2 hits of tremendously powerful acid I had taken the night before...and what do I hear but Helloween covering GFR, just the right thing to be hearing as I was coming closer to my home. That shit made my day...that and having my ass KICKED by Leatherwolf. Good episode, guys.