EQ Guide!


Dec 18, 2007
Chicago, IL
Hello all,

I've seen the other thread i think it was Colin Richardson or someone made a eq type thread like that. I was wondering if anyone could give me insight on where things should sit in a mix?

Example Like kick drum from what freq. to what freq
snare what freq to what freq
toms what freq to what freq

you get the jist of it like what area of the spectrum should each drum, and guitars and bass guitar sit in?

Thanks in advance for anyones help!

Cheers :kickass:
it all depends on the overall mix as a whole as to say a guide cuts will help bring other items out as well as boosts so its hard to say as far as overall but as a guide i usually try to start with what i got below

kick +60hz -200-250 +4000-10k for the attack varlys dependiing on the drums
snare =+180-250 bottom 300-500 stick 1000-3k snap 6500 high end dotn ususall lowpass the snares

toms i usually sweep a broad range to find whats best
Check here for Andy Sneaps Guide and also OzNimbus's drum guide: http://noise101.wikidot.com/

As a general rule I've found that 70% of your EQing for drums should be cutting not boosting. Drums have a heck of a lot of unneeded frequencies under a mic, often boosting will only help a drum to cut rather than making it sound 'better' or more pleasing to the ear. Just my experience though.
even better, put a high shelf on the kick...assuming it doesn't bring out any nasty bleed, of course. for whatever reason it also sounds much better to me than a parametric boost.