EQ pedal to boost low end of an amp?


Oct 16, 2007
I like to know if anybody can reccomend an EQ pedal for boosting the low end of an amp.

Furthermore does anyone use an EQ pedal in addition with a Tubescreamer? - because i think a Tubescreamer helps to make the low end very tight but on the other hand cuts a little bit from the low end.

So maybe an EQ pedal would be the way to go?

Thanks for any feedback. :headbang:
Man, I had a DOD graphic eq pedal that I couldn't live without for about 10 years. It finally broke, but man I wouldn't play without it. I was addicted to that sound I dialed in with that pedal. Yeah, you can get some bottom with an eq pedal. You can also develop a signature sound with one. Everybody has the 808 and 5150 down, you could be different!
I just started experimenting with reamping a guitar track with EQ applied in the DAW. A friend of mine talked about it and I started to try it.

Not sure what you are going to want to be using it for, but for record/reamping it could be cool.

Just thought I would bring it up
Exactly i plan on using an EQ pedal for recording.

To put the pedal in the effect loop sounds like a good idea, forget about that - so i guess the guitar signal will not be shaped before going into the amp but the whole sound (with the Tubescreamer boost) will be shaped - right?

I think it might be a nice way to get tweaky additional control - add some low end and tame some fizzy highs.

The MXR 10 band EQ pedal has caught my attention - any thoughts on this one? Are there great differences in tonal quality between all the brands?

Thanks so far - great feedback :worship:
If you have loads of cash to spend then the MXR 10-band is the best (not the 6-band), if you are on a tight budget the Danelectro Fish and Chips is mighty! It sounds really, really good and would be perfect for recording use only. Avoid the Boss EQ (unless its an earlier MIJ) as they are kinda noisy and metallic sounding. I used the F'n'C with my Fireball a couple of times and it does what it says on the tin, no weird tone colouring, and its really quiet.
First, why do you really need more low end? Does your bassist hate amplification?

If you do add low end, don't do it before the distortion stages. The TS cuts bass because mids distort the amp better, and adding bass before the serious gain stages in the amplifier just makes things turn to shit. That's actually one of the biggest problems with a lot of amp design - no bass control... some amps, like Engls, don't need them nearly as much because they weren't designed by bozos who didn't see the need to control what went into each gain stage well enough.

When the TS cuts stuff from the low end BEFORE the amp, you can still get all the bass you want AFTER the amp. The amps will have more than enough lows to go around, and the TS just focuses the sound better for the distorting stages. For that reason I would NOT recommend using an EQ to add bass before the amp, or modifying the TS to add bass, or anything of the sort.

If you're going to do something like that, throw a nice EQ somewhere AFTER the distortion. Otherwise you're losing a big part of what makes the TS useful and not actually gaining bass - you'll only get mush. No shame in using bass guitar EQs, on that note.

i'm with JB on this one - i wouldn't bother with putting more lows into the amp before recording, especially considering that in most circumstances, the lows get either cut out or heavily compressed so that you don't sound like metallica on AJFA

in addition to all the stuff he said, remember that it takes a lot more energy to push lower frequencies...as a result, the more lows that hit your amp, the harder it's going to have to work. roll back a bit on that shit, and the rest of the spectrum starts to really come alive.
Yep, leave the EQ out of your rig. It might sound good if you're practicing in your room alone, but recorded or with a band, you're asking for trouble.
instant parents basement tone!!! dod in the loop with a smiley face


just kidding heard good things bout the dod in the loop but i prefer the 1 million band eq that doctor emmet brown built me to go with my 50 " cab