
Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
KISS drummer Eric Singer says that Paul Stanley ultimately has the final say in the band, despite many fans believing that Gene Simmons calls the shots. "People always think it's Gene," Singer told Rock Music Star in a new interview. "Respectfully, Gene and Paul do the thing together, but I always tell people, it's not what you think. Nothing happens in KISS without Paul Stanley saying, 'Yay.' There's some times when Paul doesn't care about something, and says, 'Yeah, I don't care. Whatever.'... Put it this way, if Gene wants to do it, and Eric and Tommy [Thayer] want to do it, and everybody else… if Paul doesn't want to do something, we're not doing it. If Paul wants to do it and Gene doesn't, Gene usually says, 'Okay, whatever.' Gene usually just wants to play. He just wants to keep doing whatever we do." Singer also praised Stanley's dedication to his workout regimen, saying the KISS frontman has remained totally focused on staying in his best physical fitness for the group's live performances. "How many guys do you know who are 65 and in that shape?" Singer said. "Paul's in phenomenal shape. You know why? He puts in the time. He's done that most of his life. He's been one of those guys who watches what he eats, takes care of himself and works out… It's not easy to do that. I gotta give the guy credit, because it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of discipline in being able to do that. People might think that's not a big deal. You trying doing that, year in and year out. I admire him. It's funny how you can kind of inspire and influence each other. And Paul, to me, in that regard, is very inspirational." In a 2014 interview with Noisey, Stanley said that he dances regularly to stay in shape. "I do a class with mainly women, which is really terrible," he joked. "It's called Cardio Barre. And it's a one-hour workout I do maybe four or five times a week. You're doing the same thing every day, and what you're working on is your form. But it's aerobically really challenging, and physically, it gets you in great shape." Stanley told the Austin American-Statesman in a 2014 interview that his four-decade-plus partnership with Simmons works in spite of, or because of, their differences. "I think [being provocative is] part of who he is," Stanley said. "Why we do what we do is rooted in our childhood and our experiences. He likes to shock or annoy people and he does that very well. He's also a terrific partner and somebody who is clearly irreplaceable." Simmons previously told Classic Rock magazine about his relationship with Stanley: "Paul is the soul of KISS and I'm… the cock. Paul is much more emotional, and I'm drier. Paul will go see romantic movies, I'll throw up at them."

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