Erika! Você é brazuca? Putz... é raro encontrar um brasileiro aqui na UM, imagine só uma brasileira! Poutz!
Originally posted by Erika
whatta fuck is that?
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I'll put this is english and as politely as I can
If you need to talk to only one member on the forum, do it in PM's, thats why they are there, we don't wanna see a thread here every time someone needs to talk to a member, ok?
Actually I am not sure if Mark has mentioned that in the rules and so on, but if not, maybe he should add it there, not that anyone reads them anyway (I know I haven't, but I been on forums for a long time.)
Originally posted by Man in Pants
I'm also putting this in English as politely as I can, although English isn't my first language, so please forgive me for any mistakes.
I wrote that topic initially for Erika to read but I was also expecting other Brazillian people to reply, as some did! It wasn't a topic for one person really!