Err, hello...

I don't know if you know this Eddy, but there's a new new series of Auf Wiedersehen Pet on tv in England at the moment, set in Cuba. :cool: That's assuming you've seen the older of the new series, set in Arizona. ;)
Susie said:
probably the name eddy its very english :) anyway hello
Could be. Hello to you too. :)

~Zeanra~ said:
Eddy's in da houze :Smokedev:
Yo. :Smokin:

Rusty said:
I don't know if you know this Eddy, but there's a new new series of Auf Wiedersehen Pet on tv in England at the moment, set in Cuba. :cool: That's assuming you've seen the older of the new series, set in Arizona. ;)
Yeah, I remember reading about that somewhere... Haven't even seen the Arizona based series yet... Hopefully they'll show the newer series here too one day.
Yo Eddy. I'm just sitting here listening to Rush Limbaugh, biding my time before I have to go into work, the most accursed place on this earth - KINKOS. If you ever decide to go crazy and blow up any place in the States, make it a Kinkos. Because they don't have any in Finland... YET.