escape the day - True Norwegian Shoegazer Metal

Your days seem to be extremely boring to write such music. I always feel like pitching with my head on the table when listening...

Do you bath in swamps?
the windmill act while playing guitar is a very masculine activitiy to attract the opposite sex. the female groupie down the front, usually is in awe by such performance. it is particularly common in eastern eurpean countries where ancient metal traditions are still at large.

human behaviour is amusing us to death indeed
'This Waves length' is a little shoegazer, but the rest aren't, neither are they anywhere near metal. However, this is some really excellent Dark Ambient 'Rock' definetley appealing to the fans of Antimatter. thanks, I hope to hear some other stuff soon!
the usual craic, god speeeeeeed, mooooogwai, bla bla, pfff, get a life tis a bit old now at this stage. do your own thing like