ESP 2010 models


must.... not.... buy.... o_O
The H-1001's are ruined by the OTT ablone. I actually prefer the lower 351 models, they look tasty!

I thought that too about the EC-1000 but it was only OTT in pictures, looked sharp in person! IMO anyway, of course.
EDIT: What the hells a "Floyd Rose Special"? I assume thats a crap version of an original?

Not sure entirely, but our guitarist thought that it is a Floyd Rose, but done more cheaply or it's production is outsourced. Not a license Floyd Rose, but not the original, but something in between.. The two Schecters that we have in the band have this (just says Floyd Rose on them), you can tell that they've skimped on some parts, like the saddle-lock screws are made from softer metal (these have to be replaced almost immediately).
I can't view at work, but any chance they have new Horizon NT-II models?

I wish they would just make a plain black model available in the USA. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Not sure entirely, but our guitarist thought that it is a Floyd Rose, but done more cheaply or it's production is outsourced. Not a license Floyd Rose, but not the original, but something in between.. The two Schecters that we have in the band have this (just says Floyd Rose on them), you can tell that they've skimped on some parts, like the saddle-lock screws are made from softer metal (these have to be replaced almost immediately).

Yes, it's their in-house cheapo brand, so not a licensed one.

Not made by Schaller like the OFR, outsourced to Asia and some cheaper materials.

They run at approx. $80-100 and are comparable to the better licensed FRs out there.

Edit: And by "better licensed FRs out there" I mean some of the better licensed FRs from guitar manufacturers. Licensed FRs from some part suppliers like Schaller or GOTOH are on-par, if not better than the OFRs. The Special version can't compete with those.
I cant help but find the "F series headstock" unnatural on the deluxe H's for some reason..
At least i don't regret ordering my EC1000 when samash had a blowout sale..
Similarity to the Hellraisers really is ridiculous with that headstock, I think the ESP looks way nicer though, even though that binding looks shitty in stock photos... Lack of neck binding on the Hellraiser always killed it for me, plus those inlays suck.
