ETERNAL DEFORMITY - "Frozen Circus" - Reviews


Frozen Circus

Avantgenre: Cristalized Submental Dream Manipulation

Duration: 42min

Origin: Poland

Official site:


Before I start writing how this is a great album, I would just like to state how much I hate circuses...not that it has much to do with this great band and album, but the word circus immediately reminds me of those poor tortured animals which are forced to do tricks to amuse people- that is sadism. Those animals should be free, they should be loved, and not transported in those small charts like some deadmeat.

As I said, this above does not reflect my love to the band. On the contrary from the first minutes this album was spinning in my CD player I was wondering how such a great band like this could have remained unknown to me (and a number of people). Why is it so that nobody (no label) cares about great polish bands as Frozen Deformity or better known Lux Occulta. My new audible friends are no worse than other rather more known ones. I interested myself for some earlier releases and found out that the band's sound today evolved from some earlier great and atmospheric doom releases.

"Frozen Circus" starts off with a short but sick piece of "circus music", it just gives me the chills: the annoying circus melody becomes very hypnotic, very weird. The rest of the album is very clearly produced, the sound is firm and clear, of course the keyboards stand out quite a lot- that gives a great balance between the solid riffing and the weird atmosphere that was achieved. As for the vocals they range from good clean lines to a magnificent black a la Vintersorg voice (just an association), maybe a bit more dim. One of the freakiest moments of the album is when the track "Crime" is suddenly interrupted by a circus announcer speaking the German words: "Meine Damen und Herren, Herzlich wilkommen in unserem Zirkus, Eternal Deformity...", the announcer is backed by that annoying circus organ....I don't know if it's just me but I feel like screws being driven into my head when I hear that sound, a great idea it was to introduce such a sound. I really don't know which song I could mark as the best on this album, but the last track, "Lovelorn" is certainly one of the greatest moments of this album. It seems that with the chorused guitars and cello, this track unveils the band's doom background in the best possible way. I don't want to be misunderstood, the track itself isn't doom at all but at some moments you can catch a glimpse of it, just as in the rest of the album.

Everybody who has ever tried to write a review must know how difficult it is sometimes to describe with words that which you can only experience by your ears. Maybe the best thing is to give a listen to the album and try to create your own atmosphere of a frozen circus. This album is just a snapshot of a circus which is brought back to life for just a few seconds, but the sounds are so multiple and intense it seems much longer. just as suddenly as it has been brought back to life it became frozen again, and there remained only one can imagine that this album actually lasts forever.

"Red finger tips
Red water
Spinning down and deep
To unknown
To cold dark sleep "


CD `08 (Code666)

rate: 6/6

ETERNAL DEFORMITY to kawał historii polskiego, podziemnego metalu. W latach 1994-2002 zespół nagrał cztery materiały, które zapisały się w pamięci fanów klimatycznego grania. Teraz grupa powróciła po pięciu latach uśpienia - pełna sił witalnych! Kapela reaktywowała się w prawie niezmienionym składzie, więc tym bardziej należy się chłopakom szacunek za wytrwałość. A w jakiej są teraz formie? Znakomitej! Oni sami oraz wytwórnia Code666 określają twórczość zawartą na nowej płycie „Frozen Circus” mianem avant-garde metalu. Ale cóż to oznacza?!? Jakby no to nie patrzeć i jakim by nazewnictwem się nie posiłkować, faktem jest, iż zespół kontynuuje i świetnie rozwija swój styl znany z poprzednich wydawnictw. A że już dawniej muzyka ETERNAL DEFORMITY odznaczała się sporą różnorodnością, żywiołowością, bogatymi aranżacjami i środkami wyrazu nie inaczej jest obecnie. A jest jeszcze lepiej, odważniej i bardziej dojrzale. „Frozen Circus” zachwyca swoją nietuzinkową melodyką doskonale wbudowaną w mosiężne riffy i ekspresyjną grę perkusji. Klawiszowe pasaże dodają utworom głębi. Tworzą zresztą takie kosmiczne przestrzenie, wyposażając je w dodatkowy ładunek emocji. Gitarzyści wygrywają swoje solówki z polotem. Zresztą w grze wszystkich instrumentalistów słychać pasję i witalność. Innym wyróżniającym się elementem jest głos Kofiego, który gra również na basie i w ogóle na początku działalności grupy był odpowiedzialny tylko za cztery struny. Jednak od dawna jest także wokalistą „pełną gębą”, który ma unikalną barwę głosu i doskonale wykorzystuje swoje możliwości. Śpiewa zazwyczaj łagodnie, ale potrafi też zadziornie, z zacięciem. A na pewno z ogromnym wyczuciem i zaangażowaniem, a nawet pietyzmem. Dobrym przykładem na to, jak ekstatyczny potrafi być Przemek, jest np. kompozycja „Little”. Cały album jest świetnie zaplanowany, trzyma w napięciu, słucha się go „jednym tchem”. Przemija w mgnieniu oka, pozostawiając niedosyt i niepohamowaną chęć ponownego obcowania z tym dziełkiem. „Frozen Circus” galopuje lub płynie z ogromną lekkością. To z jednej strony płyta bardzo klimatyczna, a z drugiej właśnie rozbrykana, rozpastwiona, uskrzydlany przez czasami wręcz przebojowe melodie, które zapadają w pamięć i skradają serce. Niektóre utwory naprawdę nadawałyby się na single... Muzyka nie jest ani agresywna, ani brutalna, ani bluźniercza. Ma jednak swoją szybkość i rozmach, jest szalenie energetyczna, dynamiczna, bombastyczna, w efekcie mocno kopie. A przede wszystkim ETERNAL DEFORMITY wciąż gra metal!!! A właściwie jest to natchniona twórczość na granicy kilku gatunków. Stanowi miksturę death/gothic/doom/heavy. Jeśli chciałoby się porównać dźwięk do obrazu, to można powiedzieć, że płyta mieni się barwami tęczy... Motywy zmieniają się jak w kalejdoskopie. A za nowy w muzyce kapeli element objawiony na „Frozen Circus” można uznać tak nietypowe momenty jak intro „Retrospection”, katarynkowy wstęp do „Endless Night”, skrzypki w „Lovelorn” czy utwór „Crime” od połowy z niemieckim tekstem, znamiennymi klawiszami, klimatem groteski, fałszami pod koniec... Poza tym przy okazji tej płyty zespół wykreował swój nowy image takich bezpretensjonalnych arlekinów (vide ksywki i zdjęcia, gdzie muzycy jawią się jako tania imitacja ARCTURUS`a) przedkładający się także niebezpiecznie i zagadkowo urokliwą okładkę „Frozen Circus”... Reasumując - brawa dla ETERNAL DEFORMITY za całość!!! [Kasia]

Eternal Deformity (Polen) "Frozen Circus" CD

Spieldauer: 42:43


Weitere Infos zu Eternal Deformity:

Eternal Deformity Frozen Circus

Die 5 Polen legen hier eine Scheibe vor, die sich gewaschen hat. Sie sind einfach nicht einzuordnen, egal wieviel Mühe man sich gibt. Es handelt sich hier um einen ganz fiesen Mix aus Gothic, Rock, Metal, Black, Death und obwohl man dahinter ein riesen Chaos vermutet, ist es doch einfach nur genial umgesetzt. Chaos? Von wegen! Es zieht sich trotz der vielen verschiedenen Stilrichtungen eine klare Linie durch das komplette Werk. Einziger Schwachpunkt ist meines Erachtens das Depeche Mode Cover "Little 15", nicht wegen der musikalischen Umsetzung des Songs, sondern einfach nur weil dieses Stück irgendwie nicht so recht unterzubringen ist. Egal an welcher Stelle dieses Albums man den Track gesetzt hätte, es wäre immer ein extrem krasser Bruch gewesen. Wenn man es schon so meisterhaft hinbekommt soviele verschiedene musikalische Elemente in eine CD zu packen, ohne das der Fluß unterbrochen wird, dann sollte man sich dieses Erschaffene nicht wieder mit einem Depeche Mode Cover kaputt machen, denn wer sind eigentlich Depeche Mode? (hehe)

"The Force Of Your Heart" ist für mich sozusagen das Herz dieser Scheibe. Dieser Track hat einfach alles was ein Metal-Evergreen braucht: eingängige Gesangspassagen, melodiöse Elemente die man noch ewig im Kopf herumschwirren hört und ein rundes Gesamtbild. Neben diesem Stück ist der sehr ähnlich angehauchte "So Silent" zu nennen. "Unholy Divine" ist ein eher melancholisch anmutender Song, der trotz der brachialen und rotzigen Art noch sehr sanft und weich klingt. Sehr gelungen soweit. Das Depeche Mode Cover wie gesagt musste hier nicht unbedingt sein, da man im Gesamtbild der Scheibe ganz klar sagen kann, dass diese Combo dich ganz sicher nicht hinter irgendwelchen 80er Bands verstecken muss!!!
Das letzte Highlight der Platte ist gleichzeitig auch der letzte Song. Mit diesem, zum großen Teil aus Instrumentalem bestehenden Song schafft man einen sehr runden Abschied.

Anspieltipps: The Force Of Your Heart, Crime, Lovelorn

Tracklist: Lineup:

01. Retrospection
02. The Force Of Your Heart
03. Unholy Divine
04. Little 15
05. Crime
06. So Silent
07. Thor's Message
08. Endless Night
09. Lovelorn

7.5 Punkte von CrEEpYBaStArD (am 23.01.2008)

Eternal Deformity - "Frozen Circus"

(CD '08 / Code 666)

Mróz za oknem, a w wiadomościach codziennie mamy cyrk. Pewno nie do końca o to w tym chodzi. Od płytki wieje wyjątkowo ciekawym klimatem. Dałem się kupić już okładką i intro. Czy ktoś w świecie metalu korzystał z cyrkowych zagrywek? Nie przypominam sobie. Plus należy się już za sam pomysł. Niektóre zespoły próbują tworzyć atmosferę o jakimś określonym temacie. Zaczynają od monumentalnego wstępu, najczęściej instrumentalnego. Przeważnie też na tym się kończy. Okazuje się, że temat to jedno, a muzyka idzie w zupełnie inną stronę - próżno szukać w niej odzwierciedlenia idei albumu. No a "Frozen Circus" pokazuje takim płytkom środkowy palec oraz klasę. Słuchajcie i uczcie się. Krążek to 9 popisów cyrkowych, 9 kawałków, które niosą klimat rozrywki spod kopuły namiotu w pasy. To nie jest wesoły występ, ale raczej przedstawienie tragedii w cyrkowym otoczeniu, z maskami clownów na twarzach (jak tej figurki z okładki). Nikt się nie uśmiecha. Zespół określa swoją muzę jako mieszankę progresji i gotyku. Można się z tym zgodzić :). Wg mnie Eternal Deformity porusza się podobnych obszarach jak np. Sacriversum. "Frozen Circus" jest dla mnie jednym z lepszych albumów, jakich słuchałem w roku 2007, ale premiera dopiero na początku 2008.

autor: Khronos
ocena: 8,5/10

Eternal Deformity - Frozen Circus (Code 666) Review by Steve Green
Having started 15 years ago as a Doom band, Poland's Eternal Deformity are now the purveyors of crazy fucked up circus music, well that's the concept at least. I guess it's just a theme to try and make them standout in the crowd. Forget the attempts at the circus lark, because if you want crazy, then go and track down the Lunatic Gods from Slovakia. When you strip away the band names: Announcer on Vocals (obviously), Juggler on drums, Illusionist on Keyboards etc... and the occasional dip into fairground music, you are left with the shell of what they really are. A solid Rock/Progressive/Avantgarde/Metal, whatever you want to call them, band. There's a nice dark edge to everything and I think

overall, there's no need for this Metal Circus crap as the band don't fit onto that image anyway. This is more comparable to their fellow countrymen Riverside, with a gothic slant that veers into more symphonic environments. I prefer the darker, more moody material such as Little 15, which a gothic masterpiece in the making, especially the keyboards, from our friend, Illusionist. I also like the symphonic, blacker tones, but only when they flow in a uniform way. The downside is when they tend to drift in and out of different styles. For example: The softer approach doesn't work on Crime, but the more bombastic parts of the song do. So a little more cohesion is called for in places.
Don't believe the hype on this one. Eternal Deformity are far from the "Circus Metal" act they are marketed as. Sure there are the occasional flourishes, but this is far from being a new, exciting genre.
Frozen Circus is a good album in its own right and enjoy it for that, and that alone.

Eternal Deformity - Frozen Circus

Eternal Deformity - Frozen Circus
by meden
Kategorie: Other
Relevante URL: Eternal Deformity

Hm, was isz denn das wie merkwürdiges und warum gefällt mir so etwas sogar? Werde ich alt? Eternal Deformity wurde bereits im Jahre 1993 gegründet und zockten damals Doom Metal. Mittlerweile brachte man vier Alben heraus, aber es scheint so,als hätte man erst 15 jahre nach Gründung den eigenen Stil gefunden. Mit Code666 und Aural Music haben sie auch den geeigneten Partner an der Hand. Nach einem sehr chaotischen, zirkusklängen erinnernden Intro geht es auch gleich zur Sache. "The force of your heart" ist auch gleich das beste Stück, weil man hier mit coolem Riffing und Mitgröhlparts aufwartet. Die 5 Polen sind einfahc nicht zu fassen, nicht zu kategorisieren und fallen bei dem ganzen Sumpf von Bands richtig auf, zumal sie sich auch sehr diesen Zirkusimage angeeignet haben. Sie selber nennen ihren Stil:"Metal Circus", was immer das sein mag. Die Burschen bieten uns einen wahrlich interessanten Misch aus Gothic, Rock, Death, Black und normalen Metal. Kann man das alles verbinden, ohne ein völliges Chaos zu erzeugen bzw. ins Lächerliche abzudrfiten. Die Antwort ist ein klares:"JA". Sicherlich würde ich mir persönlich nicht ständig die Songs reinziehen, den dafür sind sie zu lasch, aber mir hat das durchhören echt Spaß gemacht. Wahrlich mal was anderes, was inovatives, wobei mir sogar das Keyboar, welches festes Bestandteil der Band ist, gefällt, da die Klänge gothicartige, abe rnicht kitschige tmosphären erzeugt. Selbst der Cleangesang stört mich nicht. Ballerfreaks können weitergehen, Open Minder sind hier gefragt. Vergleichen kann man sie nicht gerade mit und das ist auch gut so. Mit Little 15 hat man sogar ein Depeche Mode Cover eingebaut. Kann ich aber nicht viel zu sagen, da ich das Original nicht kenne. Open Minder, die auf viele Musikstile stehen, sollten "Eternal Deformity" unbedingt mal anchecken!

Eternal Deformity - Frozen Circus

I polacchi Eternal Deformity, forse sconosciuti ai più, sicuramente sconosciuti a me, giungono alla loro quinta release, la prima per la nostra Code 666 Records, con la quale hanno firmato un deal per la pubblicazione di 3 album.
Se fate mente locale a cosa rappresenti, a livello musicale e concettuale, la Code 666 potreste immaginare quale è la materia sonora oggetto di questa recensione. Musica non convenzionale, senza barriere, senza pregiudizi, sperimentale, innovativa, assolutamente fuori dagli schemi.
In genere dalla Polonia ci aspetteremmo death o black feroci e blasfemi, cosa che gli Eternal Deformity, a dispetto del moniker, rubato a qualche band grindgore, non sono.
Benchè si definiscano come “metal circus”, intendendo per questa bizzarra definizione la commistione di progressive, gothic, avantgarde, doom e metal estremo, c’è da dire che forse l’aggettivo che meglio descrive la loro musica è barocca.
Tuttavia, in effetti, come un circo itinerante la band, in questo “Frozen Circus”, ci conduce lungo i, quasi, 43 minuti portandoci a toccare le diverse sfumature del proprio sound.
Un sound bizzarro, a metà tra le proposte di Wormfood e Mechanical Poet, laddove rispetto ai primi è d’uopo registrare una maggiore consistenza della proposta sonora, più omogenea e articolata, mentre rispetto ai secondi è possibile notate un medesimo gusto per melodie stucchevoli, quasi fiabesche, con un retrogusto teatrale.
Le vocals variano dalle clean allo screaming black, oltre a parti recitate, le chitarre sanno essere progressive, concedendosi fughe che spesso fanno il paio con quelle tastieristiche, vera colonna portante di questo disco, sebbene quelle stesse chitarre sappiano essere davvero dure in certi frangenti, come ad esempio in “Unholy Divine”, dove la comparsa anche una pregevole voce femminile. Notevole è la cura per certi arrangiamenti, soprattutto per i cori, che pur essendo molto presenti non sono mai invadenti, ed apprezzabile è il violino della conclusiva “Lovelorn”, forse la canzone migliore di questo “Frozen Circus”.
La qualità migliore di questo disco è il perfetto bilanciamento tra le diverse componenti del sound, senza che mai nessuna ecceda o prenda il sopravvento sulle altre.
Un disco consigliato agli amanti del “Code 666” sound.

Genere: Inclassificabile
Anno di uscita: 2008
Durata: 43 min.

4. LITTLE 15

Line up:

* Announcer: vovals & bass
* Lion Tamer: guitars
* Knife Thrower: guitars
* llusionist: keyboards
* Juggler: drums

voto 8,5
Recensione a cura di
Luigi 'Gino' Schettino
From Via Nocturna (Portugal)

Os polacos Eternal Deformity podem não ser muito conhecidos, mas o que é certo é que já andam nestas andanças vão para 15 anos e este é já o seu 5º trabalho, incluindo a demo de 1994, Forgotten Distant Time. E este é, de facto, o momento de viragem: Frozen Circus, primeiro álbum para a Code 666 pode, definitivamente, colocar os Eternal Deformity no mapa do metal. O press-release apresentam-os como sendo uma banda de avantgard metal. E se avantgard significa demonstrar uma mente tão aberta que permita viajar por territórios tão díspares como o death metal, prog, folk, gótico ou jazz, então, sim, são avantgard. E passar de estruturas próximas ao metal extremo para melodias quase infantis ou apontamentos circenses também é avantgard. Os oito temas de Frozen Circus (excluindo Retrospection, uma pequena intro) evoluem de forma muito coerente e muito agradável. A uns vocais competentes que tanto se aproximam de um gótico sofrido quanto explodem em agonizantes gritos, junta-se uma estrutura instrumental suficientemente complexa para nos cativar, sem nunca esquecer o factor surpresa. Mas é na superior técnica de teclados e guitarra que vive muito da alma deste trabalho. Melodias soberbas criadas ora por uns ora por outra fazem deste circo uma espécie de magia. A primeira metade do álbum é, claramente, mais interessante com temas como The Force Of Your Heart a começar em ritmo death metal técnico mas a transformar-se num monstro de melodia sinfónica, Unholy Divine, com voz limpa e muito prog e folk oriundo de uma flauta irrequieta, a fantástica melodia de Little 15 ou o final absolutamente estonteante de Crime. A partir de So Silent, a proposta assume uma postura mais pesada mas sem perder a áurea melódica/melancólica que vem transportando, para terminar em grande com Lovelorn um portento de melodia, técnica, força e poder. (PC)





4 - LITTLE 15






Oramai è risaputo,i nuovi talenti musicali odierni provengono per la maggior parte dall’est europeo.
Questi cinque ragazzi polacchi vanno così ad aggiungersi alla schiera di giovani promesse dell’est europa come Negra Bunget, Mechanical Poet e Hate,proposti al pubblico italiano dalla sempre attentissima Aural Music,che sembra davvero non sbagliare nemmeno un colpo discografico.
Da segnalare innanzitutto lo splendido artwork del disco,che ripropone le atmosfere circensi e glaciali che troveremo all’interno del disco.
Descrivere a parole la proposta musicale del gruppo è pressoché impossibile, infatti,stando alla definizione stessa del gruppo,ci troviamo di fronte ad un vero e proprio “metal circus”,all’interno del quale si mescolano in maniera assolutamente perfetta elementi prog,gothic,neoclassici ed estremi, atti a creare un vero e proprio quadro musicale assolutamente suggestivo e sognante.
Il primo termine di paragone sono senza ombra di dubbio i seminali e compianti Arcturus,dei quali gli Eternal Deformity si candidano ad incontrastati eredi.
Si viaggia così all’interno del circo congelato,introdotto dall’intro “Retrospection”,che fa da apripista per la successiva “The force of your heart”, vera e propria sintesi perfetta della proposta musicale del gruppo,nella quale si incrociano perfettamente growl,scream,cori gotici,voci pulite,intermezzi sinfonici e continui cambi di ritmo,per un pezzo che lascia davvero a bocca aperta.
Il livello qualitativo di tutti i pezzi dell’album è davvero altissimo, si passa dalla toccante “Little 15”,ricca di pathos esecutivo, alle melodie circensi di “Crime”, le suadenti voci femminili di “Unholy divine”,fino a giungere alla conclusiva “Lovelorn”,a mio avviso il pezzo migliore del disco,con dei meravigliosi inserti classici di violino e pianoforte che non fanno altro che confermare la grandezza del gruppo.
Il disco uscirà nei negozi intorno all’inizio di Marzo,ma è già acquistabile sul mailorder della Aural Music ad un ottimo prezzo,per un disco che entra nel lettore per non uscirne più.
L’unico difetto del disco,a voler essere pignoli,sta nella non eccessiva durata,che si assesta intorno ai 43 minuti,ma,si sa,tutte le cose belle prima o poi finiscono.
Un disco quindi che non posso far altro che consigliare a tutti coloro che ascoltano sonorità particolari,oltre che a tutti i fedelissimi degli Arcturus,dei quali abbiamo trovato finalmente gli eredi.

VOTO 9/10


Eternal Deformity - Frozen Circus
Review By : BoEk
Added : 25/02/'08
Score 76 %

Label : code666
Genre : Metal Circus
Tracks : 9
Playtime : 42.43
Release : 29-02-2008

For some unknown reason I got attracted by the circus aspect of this album. As soon as I found the MySpace website of these Polish metallers I had the feeling I was gonna like this stuff and judging from only one song I did. So, what’s next? Reviewing the album of course. Here’s Eternal Deformity’s Frozen Circus.

Just like a circus, this album has got a lot of different elements to bring forward. I mean, imagine all kinds of people and animals performing in the circus. Now link all those characters to a different musical element and mix the whole thing. You will soon find an interesting mixture of happy tunes and more depressing, darker elements. A wide range of musical approaches is what Frozen Circus brings us, that’s for sure!

From slow, doom-like passages to up-tempo death metal blasting to more prog-ish rhythms, it’s practically all there. Even the vocals carry a nice variety of styles. Screaming, depressing semi-clean vocals, again, plenty of diversity to enjoy! And yes, also Illusionist (what a name! you can go too far you know…) does a great job on the keys! It really creates the perfect atmosphere and it sets the perfect tone to the whole circus theme.

But there’s this small downside to the album; because no matter how much I like this CD, it still seems to lack some kind of catchiness. The songs just won’t stick in my head for that long. Which is a pity of course ‘cause it would have made the album even better. The songs are all good as individuals but they miss that final step in making it a memorable song. The addition of some slightly more catchy riffs and melodies can only attribute to a better result.

In the end I think Eternal Deformity did a very nice job on Frozen Circus. There’s enough diversity in the music when it comes to style and tempo, which keeps things interesting. A bit more catchy songs would certainly do the trick for these guys. But I think they’ll manage to get their name out there anyway! Just check it out some time!

Written by Randall Ras on Sunday 24 February, 2008. Last updated on Sunday 24 February, 2008 Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, step right up! Behold! Behind these curtains lie a ghastly show of horror, terror and fantasy… Welcome to “Frozen Circus

Eternal Deformity has concocted an imaginary circus of grotesque, filled with abundant surprises – from jugglers, lion tamers to knife throwers – and delight. This holds true for the highly amusing music of these Polish gentlemen, for this interesting mix of progressive, gothic, avant-garde, doom and extreme metal (melodic death with some thrashy influences) is truly original. There’s not a single dull moment on this album, in my opinion. The guitars are heavy and tight, the drumming is aggressive, massive bass-lines, an assorted arrange of vocals (from grunts to clean singing) and mesmerizing synth effects and circus-like sounds all work perfectly well to create, what the band would term, a metal circus. I suppose if I were to compare them to any other band, it would probably be with Children of Bodom or Dark Lunacy, though with a sound that lingers more towards doom. In any case, what you get is a hybrid album; colorful and experimental tracks that I enjoyed thoroughly! From the intro “Retrospection” with its circus-like music, to the intricate and highly diverse “Loverlorn,” there is absolutely no single boring second in sight; it is that good.
“The Force of Your Heart” is a bit symphonic black metal in nature and contains an amazing solo. “Unholy Divine” is another track I enjoyed; especially for the beautiful and breath-taking female/male “duet” part towards the middle of the song. “Little 15” is slower, but is one of the most extraordinarily elegant tracks off “Frozen Circus” (and quite reminiscent to the music of Dark Lunacy’s “Devoid”). For its aesthetically pleasing melodies and symphonies, it is possibly one of my favorite tracks off the album.
What I’m trying to prove is that the diverseness and originality this band possesses – ranging from different styles and tempo – is utterly brilliant and impressive.
“Frozen Circus” is released through Code666 and is the band’s 4th album (after their birth in 1993). If it is a change you are looking for, something original, fresh and entertaining, I suggest you get yourself a copy of the greatest show on earth.

Gli Eternal Deformity sono una band polacca formatasi a metà anni '90 come complesso Doom Metal: una primitiva incarnazione da cui il gruppo odierno ha ereditato solamente una parte della line-up ed il pacchiano moniker, poiché che allo stato attuale delle cose il complesso possiede un suono decisamente ameno e sperimentale, lontano da facili classificazioni e privo di qualsivoglia legame con il genere suonato ad inizio carriera dal quintetto della Slesia.
Nonostante siano autori di un discreto numero di dischi, il vero banco di prova per il gruppo est-europeo risulta essere proprio questo “Frozen Circus”, il primo platter ad essere pubblicato da un' etichetta di provato valore qual è la nostrana Code666, con cui gli Eternal Deformity hanno firmato un contratto per tre album.

Tematicamente e visivamente la prima impressione è quella di trovarsi di fronte ad una band profondamente influenzata dagli Arcturus dell'epoca “La Masquerade Infernale” (in "Frozen Circus", titolo e copertina, le maschere e vestiti delle foto, perfino i nickname dei musicisti, hanno tutti uno stesso filo conduttore), mentre a livello sonoro troviamo come il gruppo mescoli atmosfere e riffing vicine al Gothic Metal, influenze Progressive Metal e arrangiamenti sinfonici e barocchi, legati a doppio filo a quell'ambientazione circense e teatrale che il gruppo propone a livello d'immagine; le corpose evoluzioni (anche soliste) delle tastiere sono quindi un accompagnamento fondamentale al Metal accattivante proposto dalle graffianti e dinamiche chitarre, peraltro anch'esse sempre ben disposte a gettarsi in rapidi assoli in cui emerge la buonissima preparazione tecnica degli Eternal Deformity – pur trattandosi di un disco con dei tratti estremi, le composizioni finiscono spesso per tuffarsi nel Metal melodico, con momenti calmi, ammiccanti od orchestrati a dare respiro alle strofe, solitamente aggressive e velocemente ritmate; il cantato si alterna tra lo screaming d'ordinanza (rauco ma non particolarmente violento) e i più armoniosi interventi della voce pulita: entrambe le interpretazioni sono affidate al bassista Przemysław “Announcer” Kajnat, coadiuvato da una vocalist femminile in occasione della bella (e ruffiana) “Unholy Divine”, traccia che contribuisce all'ottima resa di un inizio di disco impreziosito anche dalla trascinante “The Force of Your Heart” (in cui le tastiere sono a tratti dotate di un timbro tetro vicinissimo a quello presente su “Enthrone Darkness Triumphant” dei Dimmu Borgir) con parti di Metal orecchiabile a interrompere sezioni più cupe e angoscianti.

La tragicomica smielata di “Little 15” raffredda l'entusiasmo, con il resto del disco a districarsi tra sensazioni altalenanti: l'assai sbiadita “Thor's Message” tira addirittura in ballo i miti scandinavi, costringendo il finale di disco a salvarsi solo grazie alle raffinatezze della conclusiva, gotica “Lovelorn” (con pianoforti sintetici e violoncelli a calmare le acque prima degli ultimi assalti); in definitiva, le sensazioni sono positive, ma il suono estremamente patinato, dall'effimera profondità, e le melodie talvolta leziose incidono negativamente su un disco che vorrebbe fare dell'imprevedibilità la propria carta vincente – ai pur dotati Eternal Deformity manca, purtroppo, il vero colpo di genio che riesca ad aggiungere una 'terza dimensione' alla loro musica, portandoli ai livelli dei grandi dell'Avant-Metal: “Frozen Circus” rimane un buon disco di Metal gotico e progressivo, moderno e di facilissima assimilazione, che piacerà a chi apprezza il Metal che sappia coniugare un sicuro impatto ad una discreta ricercatezza.

Meine Damen und Herren, Herzlich wilkommen in unserem Zirkus, Eternal Deformity...(Crime)
Circul a constituit adesea o sursa de inspiratie bogata pentru trupele de metal, fie ca vorbim de grupuri care imprumuta elemente din acest univers pentru a le folosi la aparitiile scenice sau de formatii care dedica albume intregi acestui concept. Totusi, nu am auzit pana acum de trupe care sa pracitice asa numitul circus metal si in momentul in care am descoperit ca aceasta este eticheta stilistica pe care si-au atribuit-o polonezii de la Eternal Deformity pentru a defini ultimul lor creatie discografica am crezut ca este vorba doar de o gaselnita, menita sa atraga atentia si sa scoata grupul din anonimat. Numai ca, spre surprinderea mea, am descoperit in spatele acestei embleme cel mai interesant album pe care l-am ascultat in ultima perioada si cu siguranta revelatia acestui inceput de an. Eternal Deformity s-au format in 1993 (!), iar cele 5 albume de studio pe care si-au pus semnatura arata o permanenta evolutie si incercarea de a nu tine cont de barierele stricte impuse de anumite genuri. Ironia face ca tocmai aceasta deschidere a trupei catre noi teritorii sa puna pe fuga casele de discuri, care nu au vazut in Eternal Deformity potential comercial. Frozen Circus este un album autoprodus, lucru ce pare de neimaginat tinand cont de productia deosebita si de complexitatea muzicii prezente pe disc. Probabil ca acest fapt a fost remarcat si de Code 666, companie care le-a oferit imediat polonezilor un contract. Frozen Circus face parte din clasa selecta a albumelor de avangarda, un disc pe care isi pun amprenta nenumarate genuri, locul unde progressive-ul, goticul, doom-ul si death metal-ul fac casa buna impreuna. In ciuda intentiei declarate a membrilor trupei de a amesteca stiluri cat mai diverse, Frozen Circus nu are aura unui experiment, ci dimpotriva, lasa senzatia unui album coerent si consistent, care recreaza pe parcursul a 9 piese atmosfera fascinanta, plina de grotesc si mister a circului. Clapele “iluzionistului” au un rol foarte important in angrenajul albumului, in timp ce riff-urile agresive de chitara sunt adesea intrerupte de interludii de pian si solo-uri melodioase. Cum era si normal, palierul vocal nu ramane mai prejos la capitolul diversitate, fiind intalnite vocalize clean, dar si growl sau screaming black metal. Toate compozitiile tin stacheta la un nivel ridicat, dar ies cu adevarat in evidenta The Force of Your Heart, preluarea Depeche Mode - Little 15 (o mica bijuterie gotica), Crime si Lovelorn (care pune cel mai bine in evidenta mostenirea doom metal a trupei).
(+) inovativ, combinatie ingenioasa de stiluri si influente, concept foarte bine redat la nivel liric, grafic si muzical
(-) nimic care sa merite mentionat

Dragos P. 9/10
from :

Artist Eternal Deformity
Title Frozen Circus
Record Comp. Code 666 / Aural Music
Year 2008
Lenght 42:43
Genre Gothic / Black / Avantgarde
Vote 7,5


Sì, ecco, penso che potrei descriverli come una sorta di black avanguardistico con tocchi gotici ed una forte propensione al progressivo. Mi rendo conto che la definizione non è delle più sintetiche, ma il peggio è che non sono nemmeno certo sia pienamente azzeccata. La band polacca è infatti una di quelle che si fanno un vanto di saper mixari stili, canoni espressivi ed umori molto diversificati all’interno della propria musica, shakerando ed agitando come solo un consumato barman saprebbe fare. Invece che guardare all’insieme è più facile partire dai dettagli: per qualche fugace secondo richiamano alla mente il gothic mistico dei Moonspell, ma è un attimo. Subito dopo compare fuggevolmente lo spettro dei Cradle Of Filth, che però scompare prima di farsi afferrare. Dura di più la sensazione che un robusto filo li leghi agli eccelsi Covenant di “Nexus Polaris”, coi quali condividono il gusto per la divagazione e per l’intreccio, benché il ricorso a melodie accattivanti e malinconiche, piuttosto che arcane e misteriose, segnali un percorso che passa solo fugacemente sopra gli Arcturus per adagiarsi invece su lidi quasi heavy/prog. Gli Eternal Deformity sono un gruppo cui piace confondere le idee agli ascoltatori, ma quelle che posseggono le sviluppano chiaramente e coerentemente, in virtù di una gestazione molto lunga (circa 4 anni) che per forza di cose è sfociata in un lavoro rifinito e perfezionato sotto ogni punto di vista. E poi troviamo l’immancabile cover dei Depeche Mode: non di uno dei pezzi più famosi e riusciti, piuttosto una versione placcata metal della straniata “Little 15”, tratta da quell’abisso di monotona malinconia che risponde al nome di “Music For The Masses”.

Dario Adile


Yes, I may describe them as a sort of avantgarde black with gothic touches and a strong progressive tendency. I realize the definition is not that short, but the worst is I’m not even sure it’s fitting. The Polish band, indeed, is one of those who boast of being able to shuffle different styles, canons and moods within their music, shaking like only an experienced barman could do. More than trying to frame the whole it’s easier to start from the details: for some short second they recall to mind the mystic gothic of Moonspell, but just for a while. All of a sudden it pops up the fading spectre of Cradle Of Filth, which disappears likewise soon. Stronger is the sensation they’re tied to the excellent Covenant of “Nexus Polaris”, with whom they share the taste for the divagation and the score, though the recurring to catchy sad melodies, instead of arcane mysterious ones, marks a path that only briefly touches Arcturus to lay down upon some almost heavy/prog fields. Eternal Deformity are a band loving confounding the ideas of the listeners, but what they have are deeply developed thanks to a long pregnancy (4 years), that is flown into a perfected work. And then we find the unmissing Depeche Mode cover: not one of the most famous tracks, a metal version of the alienated “Little 15”, taken from that abyss of monotonous melancholia that answers the name of “Music For The Masses”.

Dario Adile
interview to Eternal Deformity from :


Non conoscevo gli Eternal Deformity prima di “Frozen Circus”, ti andrebbe di parlarci delle vostre passate releases e dei vostri inizi?

“ Eternal Deformity sono nati nel 1993. Ero un bambino di 10 anni a quel tempo e non sapevo nemmeno che due ragazzi del mio vicinato, Ryba and Aro, fossero responsabili di ciò. La musica del primo disco, “Forgotten Distant Time” e del secondo, “Nothing Lasts Forever”, era tipicamente doom e gothic metal. Era evidente per qualsiasi ascoltatore che la band fosse fortemente influenzata dai Paradise Lost. Nel 1998, gli Eternal Deformity registrarono un album chiamato “In the abyss of dreams… furious memories”, in parte suonato con la tastiera di Piotr. Da quel momento la band ha iniziato a sviluppare un processo ancora in atto di evoluzione musicale.”

Che mi dici della definizione di “metal circus”? Non pensi sia ambigua come definizione? Penso sarebbe più appropriato usare il termine “barocco”.

“ Eh, barocco? Non indossiamo nessuna parrucca in stile rococò, anche se non lo escludiamo per il futuro. Comunque, usiamo differenti definizioni per il nostro sound, a volte persino esotiche, come "deform metal" o "circus metal", ma la miglior descrizione per la nostra musica è "avant-metal".”

Potresti esplicitarci il vostro concept lirico? Perchè siete così affascinati dal circo?

“ Personalmente amo I circhi per la loro atmosfera speciale, piena di kitsch felicità artificiale. Proviamo a combinare questo con l’oscurità peccaminosa e profonda umana depressione. E’ innovativo è penso sia un buon tema da esplorare dal punto di vista musicale e lirico. Ognuno dei membri di "Frozen Circus" ha trovato qualcosa di personale e lo ha immaginato a proprio modo.”

“Lovelorn” è davvero una grande canzone, ho molto apprezzato i violini. E’ la mia preferita. Quale altra song suggeriresti ai nostri lettori?

“ E’ bello sentirti dire questo. "Lovelorn" è anche una delle mie preferite, ma non voglio suggerire nessuna canzone ai lettori. Ogni canzone di "Frozen Circus" è differente dalle altre, quindi immagino che ogni lettore avrà la propria preferita.”

I cori hanno un ruolo importante nel vostro sound, anche se non sono invasivi, ma ben miscelati con gli altri ingredienti. In genere mi piace il vostro songwriting. Qual è la ricetta per raggiungere questo risultato?

“ Ok, posso darti la ricetta: un pizzico di talento, 3 cucchiaini di esperienza, mezzo bicchiere di fortuna e ovviamente un mare di liquore. Dopo fumatevi una sigaretta.”

Gli Eternal Deformity non sono la tipica band che ti aspetteresti dalla Polonia, terra di molte bands estreme come Vader, Behemoth, Decapitated, Hate e molte altre. Che ne pensi della scena metal polacca?

“ Penso che ci siano molte band polacche molto popolari, ma ci sono molte altre buone bands nell’underground polacco con le loro idee. Sfortunatamente la scena metal polacca è concentrata fortemente sul death metal, che non sempre è fresco e innovativo tale da rappresentare un buon valore. “

Quale pensi sia il vostro ascoltatore tipico? Solo metallari?

“ Certo che no. A volte riceviamo responsi negativi dai diversi ambienti metal. Ovviamente questi giudizi ci danno uno stimolo in più e soddisfazione per quello che facciamo. Secondo me, comunque, la nostra musica e deformata and schizzata, quindi potrebbe generare impressioni positive non solo nei metallari.”

Non credo sia semplice riprodurre il vostro sound dal vivo. State pensando a qualche trucco che vi possa aiutare a portare la vostra musica di fronte alle folle?

“ Quando siamo su un palco ci sentiamo liberi e naturali, quindi proviamo sempre a fare un’ottima prestazione. Abbiamo ancora delle idee folli per gli shows e speriamo che il pubblico li possa vedere il più presto possibile.”

Siete legati alla Code 666 per altri due album. Avete già in mente in che direzione vi muoverete per il prossimo disco? Qualche anticipazione?

“ Certamente. Abbiamo alcuni "fondamentali”, ma il tempo mostrerà cosa vi abbiamo costruito sopra. Non voglio anticipare la direzione che prenderemo, perché i cambiamenti per gli Eternal Deformity sono la norma.”

Quali sono i vostri hobby e in che modo influenzano la musica? “
Non abbiamo molto tempo per gli hobby. La musica è il nostro amore più grande e il nostro tempo libero è completamente incentrato sulla band.”

Noi italiani non conosciamo molto la Polonia, ce ne parleresti? Dai dei motivi ai nostri lettori per visitare il tuo paese.

“ Prima cosa: vodka. Seconda: birra. Terza: le persone, (Eternal Deformity) con le quali puoi ubriacarti! Quarta: salsicce con mostarda da mangiare con queste bevande deliziose ascoltando musica polacca fuori di testa.” (AMICO HAI DIMENTICATO L’UNICA COSA CHE SMUOVEREBBE UN ITALIANO, LA PATONZA!!!)

Ok, cercheremo di venire, nel frattempo chiudi pure l’intervista.
“ Saluti a tutti I lettori di Metal Shock (A’ M’BRIACO, QUESTO È EUTK!!! ANATEMA SU DI TE!!!!). Vi invitiamo ad incontrare il "Frozen Circus". Penso che ognuno di voi possa trovare qualcosa di personale nella nostra musica. Ovviamente vi invitiamo a visitare la Polonia per la vodka, la birra e le salsicce (ARIDAJE!! VOLEMO LA FIGA POLACCA!!!). Grazie per questa intervista.”


I did not know Eternal Deformity before the release of “Frozen Circus”, would you speak about your previous releases and the beginning of your musical path?

Eternal Deformity was founded in 1993. I was a 10 year old child at that time and I didn’t even knew that two guys from my neighborhood, Ryba and Aro, were responsible for that. Music on the first record, “Forgotten Distant Time” and the second, “Nothing Lasts Forever”, was typical doom and gothic metal. It was obvious for every listener that the band was greatly influenced by Paradise Lost. In 1998, ED recorded an album called, “In the abyss of dreams… furious memories”, partly performed with Piotr Tomala (Parapet) – keyboard instruments. From that time the band started to develop, an ongoing process

What about definition “metal circus”? Don’t you think it’s an ambiguous definition? I think it’s more appropriate “baroque”.

Heh, baroque? We don't wear any rococo-wigs but we don't exclude it in the future. However, we are used to different descriptions of our style, sometimes exotic names like, "deform metal" or "circus metal", but the best description of our music is "avant-metal".

Could you explain your lyrical concept? Why you’re so fascinated by circus?

Personally, I love circuses for their special atmosphere, full of kitsch and artificial happiness. Try to combine this with sinful darkness and deep human depression. It's innovative and I think that it's good topic to explore on the lyrical and musical surface. Each of "frozen circus" crew members found something personal to him and imagined this in his own way.

“Lovelorn” is really great song, I really appreciated violins. It’s my favourite. Any other song you would suggest to our readers?

It nice to hear that. "Lovelorn" is one of my favourites too, but I don't want to suggest any songs to our listeners. Each song from "frozen circus" is different from the other, so I suspect that every listener will their favourite.

Choirs have a huge part in your sound, also if they’re not invasive, but well mixed with other components. Generally your songwriting is very good. How did you reach this result?

Ok I can give you recipe: a little bit of talent, 3 spoons of experience, half glass of luck and of course a sea of liqueur. And a ciggi afterwards

Eternal Deformity is not the so-typical band you could expect from Poland, land of a lot of extreme bands like as Vader, Behemoth, Decapitated, Hate and so on. What do you think about the polish metal scene?

I think that there are a lot of Polish bands that are popular abroad, but there are more good bands, which stay in the Polish underground scene with their ideas. Unfortunately the Polish metal scene stays focused on the death metal style, which is not always innovative or fresh, to represent a good value.

What do you think is your typical listeners? Only metalheads?

Of course not. We sometimes receive negative responses from different musical environments. Of course these responses gives us an "ass-kick" and satisfaction from what we do. In my opinion, however our music is deformed and fucked-up, so it may be a good impression not only for traditional metal fans.

I think it is not simple to reproduce your sound in a live stage. Are you thinking about some tricks that could help you to play your music in front of a crowd?

When we are on stage we feel free and natural, so we always try to make a good performance. We still have some freak ideas for the shows and we hope that the audience will see them as soon as possible.

You’re dealing with Code 666 for the next two albums. Have you already programmed the sound direction of your next disc? Some anticipations?

Of course.
We have some "fundamentals", but time shows what we have built on it. I don't want to predict what direction we will go, because changes in ED are usual.

What are your hobbies and in how they influence your music?

We don’t have much time for hobbies. Music is our greatest love and our free time is completely focused on Eternal Deformity.

We italians know not so much about Poland, would you talk about your land and give our readers reasons to visit your country?

Firstly: vodka. Secondly: beer. Thirdly ; people, (Eternal Deformity) which you can get drunk!. Fourthly: sausage with mustard to eat with these godly drinks and polish metal-freak music.

Ok man, end this interview as you want.

Hails to all Metal Shock readers(EUTK please :loco:). We invite you to meet "Frozen Circus". I think that anybody can find something personal in our music. Of course we invite you to visit Poland for vodka, beer and sausage. Thanks for this interview.

Luigi 'Gino' Schettino

In this Lords Of Metal issue you can read the review I wrote about the album 'Frozen Circus' from a five-headed Polish monster called Eternal Deformity. These dudes clearly are not afraid of walking some new musical paths and by using a lot of diverse angles they succeeded in creating a sound of their own, something that is quite an achievement these days. There was not much info to be found on the band through means of the Internet, so we decided to send some questions to Poland to learn some more about Eternal Deformity. Guitarist Przemyslaw "Knife Thrower" Smyczek was so kind to return some answers to The Netherlands…

Text: Kim

Because the Lords of Metal readers don't know Eternal Deformity very well; can you give us a short introduction of the band and each member?
Eternal deformity is a formation existing for fifteen years now. It embodied the dreams of three guys from Zory (a town in the southern Poland) who wanted to create a great metal band. They faced many problems and failures, however, against all adversities they didn't give up and after those fifteen years and recording five discs they managed to sign a contract with a good label. The previous records always found their supporters but due to the lack of promotion never reached the wider audience. The band didn't avoid personal changes as well. Only two people left out of the line-up which created the first demo 'Forgotten Distant Time': Aro "Lion Tamer" (guitars) and Smyku "Knife Thrower" (guitars). Aro is the great creator of the whole confusion called ED, he's totally freaked on music and the band, the man committed to what he's doing around the band for 100%. Smyku is more kind of realist, a bit out of action recently due to personal matters (mainly extension of the family) but still equally involved and thirsty for new experiences. Then we have Ciajo "Juggler" (drums), a person with his soul filled with the universe and mystery, one of the most progressive drummers in Polish metal underground. Thanks to him our music isn't schematic and predictable. And Kilo 'Illusionist' at last, the only person in the band having music education. The youngest member of our crew, not afraid of experiments and exploring the new music areas. He's having some problems now so the contact with him is a bit difficult. And last but not least, we've been joined by a new bass-player –Johnny, replacing Kofi. Surely he'll contribute to the new band's achievements, he's really cool and brought some fresh ideas to our band.

In the biography of Eternal Deformity I could read that your band used to be a black metal band in earlier years. Of course we can still here some black metal influences on the new album 'Frozen Circus', but why are you slowly changing the style? And how should you describe the new style of Eternal Deformity because you used a lot of different kind of metal sounds?
Well, I don't know this biography. Eternal Deformity has never been a black metal band, it was a doom metal one instead. And 'Frozen Circus' is actually our first work when you could clearly hear some BM influences. But it's true that our style changes and evolves. It follows our desire to explore the new music areas. That's why we're searching for inspiration in different sources what is hearable in our music I guess. I must add that in this case 'Frozen Circus' is kind of framed structure. The previous album "The Serpent Design" was far wilder and unpredictable which was the reason for none of labels wanted to risk and release it.

Can you tell me more about the concept behind 'Frozen Circus? It came out in a very nice way; beautiful artwork, the press pictures are awesome and the atmosphere of the songs sounds spooky!
The concept of album was changing in the same way as the music while being created. When we started our work on the new material we had no idea that it will go in this direction. It was a hard time for the band. Our ranks were left by the previous keyboard player who stated that he achieved all he wanted from music and so he quitted. What's more, any of the labels was interested in releasing "The Serpent Design". But the will to play the music was so strong that we made a new stuff, although it took us five years. While creating the songs we realized that it started to recall an ominous circus atmosphere and so we went in this direction. To make it all coherent we decided that both cover and our photo session will be held in the circus tone. Thanks to our friends' help we managed to do this and we're really excited about the final outcome.


You used a lot of different kind of singing on the 'Frozen Circus' album; on two of the songs we can hear a female voice. Can you tell me who she is and if she will appear on stage at live performances?
Yeah, it's all Kofi's contribution, he's vocal is becoming stronger and better. He's always liked to diversify vocal lines and he has a clear inclination to do so. Whenever I see him in action I'm always impressed with the timbre of his voice and expression. As for female voice we won't use it at live performances, since all can happen. 'Acrobat', our friend, has sung in 'Frozen Circus' but she also performed all the cello parts, as she's mainly a musician.

All the songs on the album are unique in a special way with all kind of different styles. The song 'Little 15' does reminds me of the German gothic wave band Deine Lakeien, because of the way of singing and the musical sound. Do you know this band and what do you think of the comparison I made?
'Little 15' is a cover of Depeche Mode from „Music For The Masses" album. I don't think Kofi would be inspired with Deine Lakeien works when arranging his vocal parts. No, I don't think it influenced our view of music. It's rather the song's atmosphere that determined his singing.

I was a little bit disappointed that 'Frozen Circus' is only 40 minutes long…
Well, it can be 'only' 40 minutes or just sooo long. We wanted the album to be well-arranged, drawing attention and leaving in suspense so that listener wanted to listen to it again and again. We don't want to get him bored but rather encourage him to get familiar with our previous works (although it can be a bit difficult and surprising, don't expect any similarities to 'Frozen Circus'). We also wanted to make him wait impatiently for our new album that we're working on now.

Let's talk about promoting Eternal Deformity. Maybe the first step into the outside world would be having a website that's also translated in English. What are other ways of promotional things that you would like to do to make yourself and the band famous?
We're just working on our new site, both English and Polish and will be maintained in the concept of Frozen Circus. We'd like to open for fans out of Poland as much as possible. That's why we send promo copies to all music magazines interested and soon we're going to conquer radio stations broadcasting metal. We also plan to make a video clip - probably in April. We're working on its concept now.

A lot of metal bands are rising up from Poland. How can you notice this in Poland or in the rest of Europe? Is the metal scene in Poland a lively scene?
We have very strong metal scene in Poland and of course unquestionable stars such as Vader, Behemoth, etc. But still Polish scene is not only death or black. There are many other bands performing many other kinds of metal. Improved availability of good quality music equipment and recording studios offering wider possibilities resulted in many Polish bands dropped their inferiority complex to their Western fellows. However, still kind of barrier exists, especially amongst very young people. Despite all of this we have the greatest audience over the world that comes to concerts and supports its favorites. I think Polish scene evolves in extremely dynamic way and a proof for this is the number of Polish bands signing contracts with foreign labels.

As a final word for this interview: what will Eternal Deformity bring us in the near future?
I think Eternal Deformity will be constantly surprising its listeners and fans with ideas and unconventional approach to the music. We hope that we'll go on tour at last and reach as much people as we can. We want to show them a great spectrum of emotions and expression that is hidden in our music and appears only while on stage. I invite all of you to listen to our new album and let's meet on concerts!

RATE: 87/100

I often think that I must be lucky that new bands still trigger me in a positive way after all those years of discovering new bands. This also goes for Eternal Deformity from Poland; hearing the first notes of this album I'm feeling an injection of melancholy and sadness. This album contains all ingredients that I love; dreamy metal with massive guitar sounds changed with aggressive, chaotic grunts, but also you can hear dark melodic noises. The charming parts can be heard in the violins, the clean singing, the fine female voices (in 'Unhole Divine' and 'So Silent') and the theatrical organ and fair music. This last thing does remind me of a musical box, which is spinned round lame.

The style of Eternal Deformity refers to different angles of the metal; 'Little 15' sounds just like the atmosphere of Deine Lakeien, the clean singing parts reminds me of singer Mikael of Opeth and the groovy grunts in combination with the electric sounds remembers me of the working method of The Covenant. 'Little 15' is the haven of this album; the rest of the songs are heavy and daring because of the ingredients I mentioned before. It's a pity that the album ends after a small forty minutes.

They convinced me with this masterpiece; I will join this frozen illusion of the sound of Eternal Deformity by which the sad magic moments predominates! A fine ice-cold wasteland with a diversity of singing. And for sure they deliver a beautiful visit card with their fascinating artwork. The band has a lot of chances to break through on an international basis. A good first start would be making the website accessible by translating it as well to English.

Auch wenn das Bandlogo und auch der Name ETERNAL DEFORMITY irgendwie eher an Todesmetall längst vergangener Zeiten erinnern, darf sich der geneigte Interessent davon keineswegs abhalten lassen diese Formation anzuchecken, denn auf "Frozen Circus" gibt es eine Fülle an musikalischen Details zu entdecken, die weit über einzelne Genres hinausreichen.

Auch wenn diese Formation in unseren Breiten noch nicht wirklich bekannt ist, sei erwähnt, dass das polnische Quintett bereits seit 15 Jahren existiert und in dieser Zeit auch schon mehrfach veröffentlichungstechnisch in Erscheinung getreten ist. Dazu ist auch noch erwähnenswert, dass die Herrschaften zu Beginn ihrer Existenz Doom Metal gespielt haben, in Folge ihr Klangspektrum aber erweitert haben, sodass der nunmehr vorliegende Mix auf "Frozen Circus" dermaßen mannigfaltig ist, dass es beinahe unmöglich ist, die Musik dieser Formation allumfassend in Worte zu fassen. Auffällig und zudem in Summe wohl der wichtigste gemeinsame Ansatzpunkt aller neun Tracks dieses Rundlings ist die immerzu sehr emotional angelegte, teilweise recht dunkle Atmosphäre.

Ein gewisses Maß an Eingewöhnung ist zwar erforderlich um den "Zirkus", den die Jungs veranstalten, einzutauchen, aber diese Hingabe lohnt sich wahrlich. ETERNAL DEFORMITY wissen nämlich sowohl mit Todesblei-getränkten, kraftvollen Metal-Kompositionen gespickt mit satten Melodien zu überzeugen, wie 'The Force Of Your Heart' eindrucksvoll unter Beweis stellt, aber auch mit dezent symphonisch getünchten, in gewisser Weise das Bindeglied von melancholischem "Finn-Metal" und gothischem Prog darstellenden Kompositionen wie 'Unholy Divine', oder dem nicht minder mannigfaltigen 'Crime', das wohl am ehesten als feinstrukturierter Prog Goth Metal im obskuren Todesmäntelchen bezeichnet werden könnte. Diese Tracks kontapunktieren die Polen mit zwar nicht ganz so stilisitsch-multiplen, aber keineswegs weniger kurzweiligen Tracks, wie dem gewöhnungsbedürftig und eigenwillig intonierten, aber keineswegs schwach ausgefallenen DEPECHE MODE-Cover 'Little 15', oder dem abgefahrenen Prog Metal-Kleinod 'So Silent', mit dem sich die Jungs in Richtung des „Traumtheaters“ bewegen. Zudem gibt es immer wieder eingestreute Gothic-Versatzstücke zu beklatschen, die vor allem mit den, zwar nur vereinzelt vertretenen, aber dafür immens intensiv klingenden und wohl als Reminiszenz an die eigene Vergangenheit gedachten, Doom-Sequenzen perfekt harmonieren und wesentlich zur größtenteils dunklen Atmosphäre von "Frozen Circus" beitragen.

Apropos "Circus" - für ein solchen ist mit Sicherheit auch Frontmann "Announcer" reif, denn dieser Knabe geht sangestechnisch wahrhaftig als besondere "Attraktion" durch, hat er doch vom derben Gegrowle über weinerlichen Dunkelheimersangesvortrag bis hin zum kraftvollen Metal-Gesang nahezu das gesamte Spektrum des aktuellen Metals drauf und weiß dieses auch perfekt vorzutragen. Zudem schafft es der Kerl mit seinem Gesang auch Akzente zu setzen, schließlich weiß er sich und seine Stimme auch genau dann einzusetzen, wenn die Überraschungsmomente der Instrumentalfraktion zufälligerweise gerade nicht mehr in dichtester Form vorhanden sind. Soll heißen, die ungemein versierte, abwechslungsreiche Gesangsdarbietung passt vorzüglich zum variablen instrumentalen Vortrag dieser Band, denen es trotz aller, auf dem Papier vielleicht nicht unbedingt kompatiblen, Zutaten gelungen ist, daraus eine in sich stimmige und auch stimmungsvolle Scheibe abzuliefern.

Da auch produktionstechnisch hier alles im grünen Bereich liegt und nach mehrmaligem Durchlauf nicht nur immer wieder bislang unentdeckte Details zu erkennen sind, sondern zeitgleich einige Sequenzen sogar immense Langzeitwirkung entfalten können, sei dieses Silberscheibchen all jenen Zeitgenossen ans schwermetallische Herz jedweder Couleur gelegt, denen es nicht abgefahren und originell genug sein kann.

The Force Of Your Heart, So Silent, Lovelorn

Walter Scheurer
from :

Gruppo: Eternal Deformity

Titolo: Frozen Circus

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2008

Genere: Avantgarde

Durata: 47:45 Min.

Etichetta: Code 666 / Aural Music


Voto: 4/5

A quindici anni di distanza dagli esordi doom, i polacchi Eternal Deformity hanno fatto davvero parecchia strada. Innanzi tutto, ora suonano un metal estremo di stampo avantgarde (da loro stessi ribattezzato twisted metal circus) decisamente libertino e personale, in cui convergono sonorità e influenze artistiche disparate, sperimentazione e un vago sentore di follia. Tutto questo quando è in uscita il loro quarto lavoro ufficiale, l’ottimo ‘Frozen Circus’.

Un CD assolutamente intraprendente e ricco di soluzioni ispirate, che si fa gioco di ogni possibile paletto stilistico andando a miscelare gothic, progressive, doom ed extreme metal in una sorta di indefinibile proposta sonora. ‘Frozen Circus’ si nutre, dunque, di originalità e spavalderia, risultando al contempo estremamente ambizioso e ricco di sfumature fascinose. Il gusto per suoni e arrangiamenti particolari, la necessità di ricreare scenari circensi e un songwriting frastagliato e assolutamente malizioso sono tutti elementi preponderanti in un lavoro di questo tipo, in cui ogni singolo interprete è chiamato a bissare il lavoro eccelso di ogni suo collega. A volte vicini (per sonorità e immaginario visivo) ai fenomenali Arcturus, i cinque polacchi riescono comunque a ritagliarsi un campo d’azione assolutamente personale e ben distinguibile, in cui espletare il proprio credo artistico in ogni singola sfaccettatura. In questa ottica, ogni episodio diventa un po’ il manifesto di se stesso: inutile, dunque, citare un solo brano a rappresentanza dell’immane bravura della band e del suo operato musicale. Tutto è destrutturato è poi ricomposto sotto altra forma sonora, dietro la supervisione dei cinque geni polacchi e del demone che li governa.
La Code666 si conferma etichetta elitaria nel campo, avendo proposto alla compagine di Announcer un contratto di addirittura tre album. Come dargli torto?

Maurizio "Trevor" Gabelli