ETERNAL FLIGHT - Positive Rage

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey

Release Date: October 2004
Home Page:

On the cover of ETERNAL FLIGHT’s debut CD, we find the half man, half bird, “Morphoenix”, engulfed in flames. It’s around this character that the storyline of ETERNAL FLIGHT’s debut CD for Cruz del Sur Music, Positive Rage, presumably revolves. It’s been said that you can’t judge a book by its cover. However, it’s also been said that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, more often than not… it’s a duck. Such is the case with ETERNAL FLIGHT.

Their record label has billed them as the “missing link between Nevermore and Savatage, Judas Priest and Dream Theater”. After listening to this CD, one thing is clear; it’s not necessary to undergo a rigorous drug screening process before accepting a position in Cruz del Sur’s promotional department. What we have here is Power Metal, nothing more, nothing less. Unfortunately, the music is so generic, that any speculation as to who the band’s primary influences are would constitute a bluff on my part. If I was pressed to offer up a comparison, I would say that ETERNAL FLIGHT reminds me of a poor man's FIFTH ANGEL.

Although the press release states that the music is “expressed through long progressive suites”, I can assure you, the only word in that description that’s appropriate is “long”. It would seem that anything that extends beyond three chords and a 4/4 beat is dubbed “progressive” these days. I’m not sure why that is, but I do know that there’s little that qualifies as “progressive” to be found on Positive Rage.

While there isn’t anything particularly unlikable about Positive Rage, there’s also not much worth getting excited about. The overall musicianship is solid, the lead guitar play of Christophe Offredi is well executed, and the lead vocals of Gerard Fois are handled adeptly. However, the songs lack that essential element that compels a listener to return to a CD with regularity. When all is said and done, ETERNAL FLIGHT have chosen to stay within the comfortable confines of all that has gone before them, and have created a paint-by-numbers Power Metal disc.

This CD may find an audience with Power Metal zealots who require little in the way of originality. However, those looking for something that offers either something new or something exceptionally well done, would be better suited to look elsewhere.

Rating: 4/10
Reviewer: General Zod
General Zod said:
After listening to this CD, one thing is clear; it’s not necessary to undergo a rigorous drug screening process before accepting a position in Cruz del Sur’s promotional department.
Hehehe....they really stretched on this one. Good review, although 5/10 might seem generous!
Haha, I was just going to quote the same part JayK did with a

it’s not necessary to undergo a rigorous drug screening process before accepting a position in Cruz del Sur’s promotional department.

I never realized how completely full of shit 99% of all promo departments are until I began receiving promos...
JayKeeley said:
Hehehe....they really stretched on this one. Good review, although 5/10 might seem generous!
Well, like I said, there's nothing horrible about the disc. The musicians are solid, and the songs aren't laughable or anything. They're just weak, and lack originality.

That missing link comment is hysterical. Talk about setting one of your bands up for failure.
